The white page is empty / But letters like falling drops of rain / Create pools of wisdom
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"#153 +(1320)- [X]<watashiwa> I think hypr accidentally joined #invest by mistakenngly typing a v instead of a c.
#445 +(1138)- [X]<ck2k> i tap her car's bumper

<ck2k> and she has this estimate

<ck2k> 200 bucks

<ck2k> ♥♥♥♥ you

<ck2k> for 200 bucks i can hire someone to kill your ♥♥♥♥♥ ass
#1529 +(94)- [X]<AlexChiu> Brent: Oh yeah.  Well, would you have felt better if I hadn't told you about it and you got hit with a noxious stench upon prying off a girl's dry, crusty panties?
#4130 +(98)- [X]<djazonic> tiko: do you know how to setup a win2k's telnet server?

<JediPimp> djazonic: format c: ; <insert linux CD>
#5934 +(628)- [X]<FutabaAoi> attractive girls like computers, i carry my case around town because it attracts chicks

<R0SC0E> no, attractive girls think guys that think girls are attracted to guys with computers are cute in a hurt puppy kind of way

<FutabaAoi> dont most people put down hurt puppies?

<FutabaAoi> does that mean attractive girls shoot computer nerds?

<R0SC0E> god i don't mean puppies with like missing limbs or exposed viscerals
#8015 +(50)- [X]<BCow> Often I see the first year students strut past in their skin tight white outfits and I just drop my dacks and say, "Over here girls!"
#8134 +(379)- [X]*** Starlet is now known as StarBBS

<Jerub> BBS?

<Jerub> as in dialup?

<Jerub> whats the number?

<Jerub> is it subscription?

<Jerub> got a large file section?

<Jerub> is it on fidonet?

<StarBBS> bbs as in be back soon
#14583 +(143)- [X]*** mad-splat ([email protected]) has joined #programming

<mad-splat> @find *turbo*c++*

<mad-splat> @find *codewarrior*

<dos622> @find you*being*banned

*** mad-splat ([email protected]) has left #programming
#15684 +(182)- [X]<kanzen> heh.. this guy's ont he phone calling his computer pookie.. "Oh come

  on pookie, you can do it pookie.. there you go pookie, thats it... "
#16449 +(694)- [X]*** Big_Daddy changes topic to '(@ALbino) i sucked nwar, but not like i had a choice :)'

(Big_Daddy) that is in fact NOT taken out of context btw :)

(nwar) nor is it edited in anyway

(ALbino) bd always takes my stuff out of context

(ALbino) what he's not telling you is that nwar was bitten by a poisonous snake and in order to save nwar's life i had to suck the poison out. so, in fact, i am not a raging homosexual with dong-swallowing tendancies, but rather, a hero. someone to be looked up to and respected :)

(Big_Daddy) who eats the ♥♥♥♥ :)

(ALbino) besides the point :)

(ALbino) surely you aren't suggesting that just because a guy likes to gargle a little ♥♥♥♥ every now and then that he can't be a hero to the masses :)

(Big_Daddy) now you're saying nwar has a little ♥♥♥♥?
#17837 +(-27)- [X]<Pete^> I

<Pete^> accidently

<Pete^> :)

<Pete^> married

<Pete^> a guy

<Pete^> ;p
#30513 +(946)- [X](Momanon) I had a friend in the dorms that went into this guy's room, put on "ice ice baby" at

full blast on repeat and locked the guy's room

(Momanon) The guy had death threats stapled to his door.

(Momanon) He didn't come back for like 3 hours.
#33646 +(112)- [X]<@PkLvKimZz> Remember to wash: Colon, socks, tshirts
#37910 +(418)- [X]<Mr_E> A) I gotfor about your B and B) I forgot about your A

<Mr_E> gotfor?!


<Mr_E> my brain is rebelling against me
#39711 +(292)- [X]« Matt » I made 10 bucks from a friend at work.

« Matt » "Go to the next girl going to change and ask to watch her and I'll give you five bucks. Ten if she hits you."

« Matt » Me - "50 if she kicks me in the balls."

« Matt » "Deal"
#41858 +(827)- [X]<Sober|wrk> heh

<Sober|wrk> lol

<Sober|wrk> my co-worker is throwing a ball

<Sober|wrk> up in the air to relieve some stress

<Sober|wrk> she just smashed it into a ceiling panel and knocked it down on her head
#46112 +(684)- [X]<ErinJane78> I wouldn't ever piss in a men's room... have you SEEN them?

<Blaxthos> yea... I usually try to contribute to the vileness

<Blaxthos> i remember in middle school, at the gym

<Blaxthos> i got in the habit of going into the men's room and pissing on the toilet paper

<Blaxthos> after a few rounds the P.E. coaches put the men's room on 24 hr lockdown

<Blaxthos> so i took to pissing in P.E. lockers during classes

<Blaxthos> they tried like hell to catch me, but i was too slick

<Blaxthos> so they finally got tired of it and re-opened the men's room

<Blaxthos> so i could return to pissin on the paper towels/asswipe
#46195 +(178)- [X]<JPMorgan> sup chris

<XulChris> just lovin' my awesome redhat8 os

<dann> what do you usually do under linux?

<XulChris> idle on irc
#46552 +(109)- [X]<Wheeze> "yo baby...we all urinate...wanna do it?"

<BIGmog|site> wanna urinate?!  that's your pick up line?

<BIGmog|site> you need to put something in between then

<BIGmog|site> otherwise you're gonna get pee'd on
#47420 +(217)- [X]<Cheez> oh ffs. how many times. they should have SO given dos an LS command
#47667 +(42)- [X]<teek> tenchi, ebay!

<_Tenchi_> bah ♥♥♥♥ ebay

<_Tenchi_> i wouldnt buy a $9 cutlery set off of ebay

<fate-> heh, a friend of mine in London bought a chest of drawers off of ebay, had to go pick it up by car (an hour away)

<fate-> it sucked and wasn't of high quality like he expected, so we took it back, and on the way smashed it up, and left it on the guy's doorstep
#49969 +(180)- [X]<Decimus> raped any white women lately?

<Lord_Mervyn> i resent that remark

<Decimus> k

<Decimus> was she fat?
#49974 +(274)- [X]* gjinn[a] points to his atheist side

* EmersonOw points to his love for underaged boys

<EmersonOw> i mean my catholic side
#51590 +(246)- [X]<DA_BUTCHER> Annie will you marry me?

<DA_BUTCHER> I don't care what gender you are!

<|Annie|> shizz

<DA_BUTCHER> I'm Greek

<|Annie|> that's like the 6th time someone's asked me that in here

<|Annie|> I'll get back to you k ._.

<Scotch> It's your own fault for making your gender so obvious in your nick

<DA_BUTCHER> yes but the others would freak out if you turned out to be a 30 year old wrestler named Bernard
#53567 +(125)- [X][+   oracel] my exam went well =)

[@   zipper] My job searching didn't.

[@   zipper] Going to go out with a friend and do a coop search wednesday. :o

[@   zipper] Multiplayer job searching > Single player
#64854 +(175)- [X]<Gobi> know what's better than pasta?

<Feat> pornography

<Gobi> more pasta!

<Gobi> ...and that

<Feat> porn pasta?

<Gobi> porno-getti

<Feat> ravi-hole-ey

<Feat> hmm

<Gobi> hmm indeed

<Gobi> heh heh heh

<Gobi> we could market to all the college dropouts in Canada and make billions off their unspent student loans!
#74567 +(429)- [X]<herze> miss pearl

<herze> my love for you is like diherrea

<helpimarock> what

<herze> i just cant hold it in

<madpunk-nap> omg

<helpimarock> ahhhhhhhhh

<madpunk-nap> that would alomst be elite

<helpimarock> thats the sweetest thing ive ever heard

<madpunk-nap> if i didnt have to do with poop

<herze> haha

<herze> madpunk, even stevie wonder could see the beauty in you

<herze> i have a few more

<madpunk-nap> i dont want to know, im going back to sleep

<herze> you have over 200 bones in your body... want another?

<herze> lets play army, ill lay on the ground and you can blow the hell out of me
#74992 +(225)- [X]<Corvis> dead girls dont say no

<Pulp|^^> Dead girls don't need to be bought a drink ^^

<Corvis> dead girls dont need valentines day

<Latino|Awayzz> dead girls dont care if you're finished in 12 seconds flat
#81760 +(78)- [X]<whipru"