Bad Pad
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The Complete Guide to Bad Pad
От Headbang Games
Everything you need to know about Bad Pad.
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01 - The Infamous Start Screen
This screen is pretty self explanatory, don't you think?

02 - The Mother of all Menus
If you're visiting Bad Pad for the first time, you will have only 4 options here,

1. Start a new game.
2. Visit the Options menu.
3. Show credits sequence.
4. Exit the game.

After starting a new game you will have another option "Continue", to get back to the current game and instead of New Game, you will have a "Change Player" option, from there you can either change the player or start a new game.

03 - Who are YOU?
When starting a new game or changing a player you will get three slots to choose from, you can select one with the mouse or use left/right to mark the selected slot, double clicking on a slot or one of the select buttons on the keyboard/gamepad will continue the game, if it's a blank slot it will start a new game.

To start a new game over a previous saving slot, first select it, then either click the "New Game" button, or navigate to it with up/down then click on of the select buttons on your keyboard/gamepad.

Each slot shows the current overall game progress and the selected game difficulty.

04 - How BAD are you lad?
After starting a new game you will get to choose one out of three game difficulties.

The selected difficulty affects a few aspects of the game,

1. Easier difficulties have more saving spots and energy pickups.
2. Easier difficulties have higher Initial max energy.
3. Easier difficulties boss fights are, well... easier.
4. Same goes for the mini arcade games.
5. On the easiest difficulty you will have less obstacles and enemies in your way.
6. On the hardest difficulty saving does not refills your energy, too bad.

Double click on one of the slots or navigate with left/right then press one of the select buttons on your keyboard/gamepad to select the difficulty.

05 - What to do with all these Options???
The options screen is available through the main menu or through the in-game menu.

Navigate the screen with the keyboard arrows / gamepad or click with the mouse.

So what do we got here?

1. Back - Will take you back to main menu or back to game.
2. Configure controls - Map your keyboard/gamepad buttons as you like, see more on this on the next section.
3. Go to Graphic settings screen
4. Go to Sound settings screen
5. Go to game settings screen
6. Language selection - Use right/left to select language.
7. Send Bug Report - Use this button to send us a bug report, the report will include your saved game files.

Graphic settings
1. Back - Will take you back to main settings menu.
2. Resolution - For slower machine, trying reducing the game's resolution.
3. Full screen/Window - I really don't know why you'd want to play in a window, but just in case, you can.
4-7. Effects and shadows - For slower machine, trying disabling these.

Sound settings
Click the titles to turn sound/music on/off, use the bars to set the volumes.

Game settings
1. Back - Will take you back to main settings menu.
2. Blood On/Off - If you don't like them splats, set this to off and that's that.
3. Autorun On/Off - Turning this on will act as if you're constantly holding the run button.
4-6. Experimental Streaming features - camera / microphone / additional UI (time and score).
7. Clear all data - Clicking this will erase all your saved games and game settings!

06 - If it feels BAD, bind your PAD!
To setup your keyboard/gamepad mapping, select Configure Controls from the options menu.

Movement binding is used only for keyboard, gamepad uses d-pad or left analog stick for movement.

Click or select one of the actions then press the desirable button to bind it, you can bind up to two buttons on you gamepad for each action.

Choose "Default Keys" to return to the default keys binding.

07 - The Daughter of all Menus
To access the in-game menu press 'esc' or 'start' on your gamepad while playing the game.

The in-game menu options:

1. Resume - Continue playing the game.
2. Reload last save - This will load your last check-point or auto-save.
3. Show abilities - Show your current abilities, how to use them and related info, see more on Abilities on the next section.
4. View Map - Shows your current location, the way to the last gate you opened, levers/coins stats and more.
5. Options - Will take you back the main options screen.
6. Gallery - In this screen you can view cut-scenes, songs and unlocked concept art, unlock new slides by picking up collectibles.
7. Back to menu - Will take you back the main screen, use if you want to change player.
8. Exit - Will quit the game, warning unsaved progress will be lost!!!

This screen also shows some of your game stats,

1. Game score - Your score is visible on the top of the screen.
2. Current area - The name of the current area is shown below the score.
3. Playing time - Going for a speed run? on the bottom left of the screen you will see exactly how long it took you, aim low and hope for the best.
4. Total collected coins - On the bottom middle you will see how many coins you got, note, you will need only 90 coins in total to finish the game, in the in-game UI you can see how many coins you need for your next machine.
5. Total collectibles collected, there is one collectible in each area/level of the game.
6. Game progress - On the bottom right you will see the total % of your progress.

08 - I have the POWER!
You will get new abilities and character upgrades as you play the game, to see what you can do and how to do it go the Abilities screen from the in-game menu screen.

Glow Ability - Let you see in the dark for a limited time, you start with 10 seconds and you will get more upgrades along the way, when your glow fades out, stand in the light or near a fire to recharge it, the glow meter is show as a purple circle around the character face in the in-game UI, see more info on the UI section.

Drop Bash Ability - Use this ability to break through wooden floors, drop hanging rocks, defeat boss battles and kill some types of enemies, it's also useful if you want a quick and fast drop through a section, you are also immune to some types of enemies and obstacles while drop bashing.
To preform hold down 'DOWN' then press the jump button.

Air Glide Ability - Use this ability to get through wide gaps and slowly decent through dangerous areas, to use this ability when on the ground, first jump then press and hold jump again. When falling you can press it once to use.
Gliding starts only when you're falling.

09 - Where the heck am I?
The map screen will show up automatically when you travel between levels/castles, to manually bring up the map screen press 'M' on your keyboard or 'back' on your gamepad.

The map screen will show you the main castles walls and their paths exactly as it is in the game, there are also some extra visual clues spread around so it'll be easier to remember.

On the map you will also see all the gates/doors and their current state, rock blocks and breakable areas, arcade machines and upgrade machines.

There are a few arrows on the map to help you find your way, a yellow arrow above the player showing the direction to the last opened gate, a green arrow above the last gate you opened, and a purple arrow that points to the player when scrolled off-screen.

On the top right you will see info about the current area, how many levers are left unturned and how many coins are left to pick.

Touch and hold the Help Button or hold down 'SPACE' on the keyboard or 'A' on the gamepad to show map controls overlay.

Click the Music Button or press 'F1' on the keyboard or 'Y' on the gamepad to mute/unmute map music.

Cycling through the maps
Keyboard - 'TAB', you can also press 1-4 to select a map by number.
Gamepad - LT/RT
Mouse - Right click

Navigating the map
Keyboard - Arrows keys
Gamepad - Left analog / d-pad
Mouse - Hold down left button and move around.

Area info changes and is auto-selected when new area scrolls into view.
Focusing on a door will show where it leads.

Keyboard - +/-
Gamepad - Right analog
Mouse - Wheel UP/DOWN

The map has Fog of War, only visited scenes are visible.

To exit the map click on the PLAY icon or press 'ESC' / 'RETURN' on the keyboard or 'B' / 'back' on the gamepad.

10 - UI for YOU and I
Besides showing some cool face animations of Square, the in-game UI has some very important info in it!

1. Your energy - The green bar on the right shows the amount of energy you have, when starting a new game you get one hit in the hard difficulty, two hits in the normal and three in the easy, besides that you will find up to six extra hit points upgrade machines in the game, some of them are well hidden, so keep an eye out!
Note, there are some enemies that will cost less or more then one hit and there are obstacles that can kill you in one hit.
Pick up batteries to recharge your energy, on the easy and normal difficulty saving at station will also recharge your energy.

2. Your current amount of coins and the current amount of required coins for the next arcade machine is displayed on the bottom right of the UI

3. Your inventory is displayed on the bottom left of the UI, note, you can only pick up one item at a time, too bad you don't have pockets.

4. Air meter - When going under water without the scuba gear, water will start rising over Square's face on the UI, when the water fills up completely you are out of air, you will start taking little bits of damage till you die, so hurry up!

5. Glow meter - When you get the glow ability, while standing in a dark area you will see a purple circle around the UI, when it runs out you're out of glow, go stand in the light and watch it recharge.

11 - Basically just the basics
Here are some of the basic controls and tips for Bad Pad.
  • Holding the 'RUN' button is used for running but also for gaining more speed while jumping/falling or climbing vines, when under water pressing the run button together with either left or right dashes to that direction, holding the run button also gives you a little steady boost when swimming up/down.
  • When jumping on a spring, hold 'UP' to jump even higher.
  • Some enemies can be killed or stunted using the Drop Bash ability.
  • When you get a new ability check the map for blacked out areas in previous levels, you might find some cool things.
  • When using the magnet gloves hold 'DOWN' to detach.
  • Press 'DOWN' to fall through platforms, note, you can only drop through specific types of floor.
  • When on vines or under water, also use up/down to navigate.
  • Keys and Dynamites are used automatically when needed.
  • To go through a door or to active a machine press 'UP' when near it.
  • On the train levels, hold 'LEFT' to slow down and hold 'RIGHT' to speed up, you can press 'DOWN' to fall through the track, but make sure you have a surface to land on!
  • On the arcade games and submarine levels use UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to move and either the 'RUN' or 'JUMP' buttons to shoot.
  • When on the ground or in the air, hold down right/left to move in that direction.
  • In cut-scenes you can press to skip lines or press and hold for a few seconds to skip it altogether.
  • In cut-scenes/songs use UP/DOWN to adjust cut-scene music volume.
  • Additional keyboard shortcuts: F1 toggles fullscreen/window, F2 toggles auto-run.
-- The Secrets --
Bad Pad holds some hidden areas and secrets for you to uncover!

The Collectables
There are 18 collectables hidden in the game, one in each level, find all of them and deposit them into the console in the Trophy Room back at the beginning of the game and you will unlock Cheat Mode.
The cheats will also be available when starting a new game.
Depositing the collectables will also unlock the gates to the arcade area, where you can revisit all 3 mini arcade games, in an endless playing mode with some extra features.

Having a hard time finding those collectables?
There is a special upgrade machine hidden in the game, with this upgrade you will hear a beep, louder and louder as you get closer to a hidden area.
But know this young traveler, you can't just get to this machine with your jumping strength, it is hidden way up in the skies (hint: look for open skies areas in the map) and to get to it you will need a jetpack.

Now where do you get yourself a jetpack you ask?
You can get one by collecting all the coins in all the castles and depositing them into Pen's Evil Computer at the top of his tower.
You can toggle the Jetpack on and off by pressing the RUN button, you can only do so when you're mid-air.
Hold down the jump button while the jetpack is activated to fly up at doubled speed.

Alas, I can't find all the coins!
There is a special coin hidden in act 4.
Collect it and it will reveal all 150 coin locations on the map (only the ones you didn't pick up yet).

The Cheats
There are 10 normal cheats:
1. Refill power.
2. Set item Key.
3. Set item Bomb.
4. Set item Magnet Gloves.
5. Add a coin.
6. Open nearest closed gate.
7. Get Scuba Gear.
8. Get Glow Ability / Add +5 glow time.
9. Get Drop Bash Ability.
10. Get Dive Ability.

And 2 special cheats:
1. Enable/Disable Black and White Mode - Makes the game black and white.
2. Enable/Disable God Mode - Makes you invulnerable.

To use the cheats, first go into the in-game menu.
Now you need to enter a combination of 5 directions with your keyboard or gamepad.

Here's one cheat code for you, to enable/disable Black and White mode enter:
Left Right Down Right Up

The other 11 combinations you will have to figure out on you own, but we'll give you this hint, all combinations starts with the 'Left' direction.
ACT 1 Speedrun in Hard Mode
23 коментара
Headbang Games  [автор] 2 февр. 2023 в 11:07 
No, there are more differences, it's all documented in this guide, section 4.
Surobyk 2 февр. 2023 в 11:03 
Oh, I didnt know that. Is that only difference between the difficulties?
Headbang Games  [автор] 2 февр. 2023 в 10:50 
Not at all mate, I appreciate your feedback and I'm always up for fixing issues.

It's hard to tell what area exactly your showing there, I mostly see the background and not any of the actual map.

My guess based on the area name is that it's the maze area, which is not mapped because it is randomized. There are no upgrade machines there.

How do you know you're missing an health upgrade?
Keep in mind that the amount of health upgrades is the same on all difficulties, so you can only get to the maximum health on easy mode where you start with 3 health points. In normal you start with 2 and in hard with 1.
Surobyk 2 февр. 2023 в 10:36 
Thank you so much. Do you see me as pain in the ass or voluntary playtester :D?

Last question

is this area accessible? I am missing last health upgrade and I cant find it anywhere :D
Headbang Games  [автор] 2 февр. 2023 в 9:12 
Snap, I just noticed I mistakenly uploaded the update to the wrong app package.
It should be updated now, version 1.87
Headbang Games  [автор] 2 февр. 2023 в 8:35 
Thank you for the report.

I fixed the teleporter issue.
For the upgrade machine, I made the light bulb on top of it red if it was used and green and blinking if you didn't.

Update is live.
Surobyk 2 февр. 2023 в 4:24 
also, these two teleporters appear to be glitched as well
Surobyk 2 февр. 2023 в 0:53 
Do you think it could be possible to see all the missed upgrade machines in the endgame?
Headbang Games  [автор] 1 февр. 2023 в 14:55 
These were some late level design update that I forgot to update in the map, it is all fixed now in the new update.

And thank you very much for leaving the review!
Surobyk 1 февр. 2023 в 14:22 
and well, if you want another (small?) issue, there seems to be error on the map