Arma 3
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Official 29th ID Mod Collection
The Offical 29th ID Mod Collection
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A list of Whitelisted mods is available on the 29th ID Forums.

"The 29th Infantry Division is a realism unit spread throughout multiple games in multiple time periods. Each game is supported separately by different companies while serving under the same Battalion so that all games and soldiers function individually and as all whole."
項目 (22)
建立者 CBATeam
CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to be used as much as possible by commu...
建立者 acemod
Advanced Combat Environment 3 (ACE3) ACE3 is the collaborative efforts of the former AGM and CSE teams, along with many of the developers from Arma 2's ACE2 project. This mod is entirely open-source (we are hosted on GitHub), and ev...
Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!)
建立者 Dedmen Miller
This is the ONLY official upload of the TFAR 1.0 beta builds on Steam workshop. Discord server for latest updates and support: This is a beta release! Please keep in mind that Bugs might be more frequent here than on the Stable r...
DUI - Squad Radar
建立者 diwako
A UI showing unit positions and names of units in your squad Summary This clientside mod shows a compass in the bottom middle of you screen and a list of people in your current squad. It is made with SQF commands which recently have been added to Arma3 and...
Gruppe Adler Trenches
建立者 Salbei
Gruppe Adler Trenches (short: GRAD Trenches) retextures ACE trenches based on the ground texture. Consequently, the trenches seem more natural and blend in with the environment. Features: - Camouflage your trench with small bushes - Place trenches in 3DEN ...
建立者 Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam ...
建立者 Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: GREen Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: GREF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://steamc...
建立者 Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: Serbian Armed Forces changelog available here - # REQUIREMENTS RHS: SAF requires 2 mods to run * RHS: AFRF - * RHS: USAF - https://...
建立者 Red Hammer Studios
# RELEASE 0.5.6: RHS: United States Armed Forces changelog available here - # DISCLAIMER & LICENSE # RE-UPLOADS Re-uploads of any RHS content (in part or in full) on Steam Workshop is ...
29th Infantry Division
Addons for the 29th Infantry Division. Current Version: 0.5.1 29th Infantry Division Web Site 29th Infantry Division Forums Requires: RHSUSAF, Task Force Arrowhead Radio (BETA!!!) Ownership Changed - See older version:
Enhanced Movement
建立者 AppleCalypsoNow
________________________________________ Enhanced Movement - BETA ________________________________________ DONATE: ________________________________________ TO LEARN HOW TO B...
Enhanced Movement Rework
建立者 Sceptre
CURRENT VERSION: 1.0.4 Enhanced Movement Rework is a ground-up rework of BadBenson's "Enhanced Movement." This strictly uses the animations with new lightweight scripts. The goal of the mod is to simplify the functions, expand functionality, and get rid of...
CUP Terrains - Core
建立者 CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS - CORE pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains all the core data for maps from Arma1, Arma 2, expansions and DLC's. This pack contains: all terrains core data like models and configs...
CUP Terrains - Maps
建立者 CUP Team
CONTENT This is the TERRAINS pack, the successor of "A3MP" and "All in ArmA - Terrain Pack (AiA TP)". It contains 16 maps from Arma: Arma: Armed Assault and the expansion, Arma 2 and the expansion and DLC's. For credits and other information, see our web p...
Rosche, Germany
建立者 WA Lancer
WA Lancer and present Rosche, Germany Rosche is a 236km2 terrain based on the area around the town of Rosche in Lower Saxony. Representing the flat, open plains of northern Germany, Rosche provides for a variety of gameplay from small-...
建立者 Temppa
Ruha 0.12 version Size 8x8km Location Finland Based on real world place but its heavily modifield Need Cup terrains core License: APL-SA: Old version (v.0.11) download link: https://...
建立者 Temppa
On the Pulau terrain, there are two large tropical islands and several smaller islands of the sort. All of them are fictional and not based on any real world location. Size 12x12km Cell size 3 400000 objects Uses apex objects (APEX DLC not needed) Small vi...
建立者 Temppa
Fictional africa/middle east themed terrain 50 villages Two uncovered sand airfields 20km long river v 0.51 Size: 16km x 16km Cell size: 4 1.7 million objects Need Cup terrain core License: APL-SA:
UMB Colombia
建立者 Chaser
Information The map Colombia is based on real satellite data of northern Colombia combined with a free interpretation of a Colombian coastline. It was/is being developed with a strong focus on tactical mil-sim, but should work with most other game modes, t...
建立者 swurvin
Mutambara is a fictional province in the Zambezi region which borders Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe. The province consists of small towns, villages and slums with one main river which runs from the northern border to the southern. The rive...
建立者 Vectif
Korsac is a 64 km² fictional terrain located in the greater Green Sea region. Inspired by Chernarus, Livonia, and the conflict of the Green Sea region, Korsac is a terrain that aims to provide a modern take on the eastern european setting with the quality ...
建立者 swurvin
Kardazak is a British controlled sector positioned in the northern rural areas of Takistan. The Kardazak area is extremely agricultural with a high percentage of the populations income coming from poppy cultivation. The insurgent activity in this sector ha...