Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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How to play Medic
Por Liquid Gapher
A lot of f2ps strugle with tf2. So those who pick the medic for the first time might not know what there doing. So here are tips and tricks.

Tip #1: Always be moving.

Playing as medic can be hard to survive with but if you can abuse the power of wasd you can become hard to hit.
If always moving you can avoid projectiles seen coming at you like a huntsman arrow.

Tip #2: The right callouts and when to use them

Z+3 is the go go go callout and can force your teamate to move up in to the battlefield. I also recomend you also use Incoming,Help, and any callouts spoting where a building is on the other team. Small little trick when you get your ubercharge use a diffrent command that isnt Ubercharge Ready because everyone can hear you when you have that charge so that nobody on the other team knows that you have it.

Tip #3: Quick Tricks for benefiting

Stay close to walls so that you can see most of the battle field and make sure that you arnt always like this or you will die. Try to stay away from your patient so that if any explosives come to him you wont take splash damage.

Tip #4: The right loadout

I sugest that you have the
1.Crusaders Crosbow: Can heal people when shot at your teamates and does more damage to enimies the further you are from them
2.The stock medigun: This is mainly a personal prefernce but I prefer to have god mode over extra damage
3.The ubersaw: This weapon can give you 25% of your uber when you hit an enemy and with this can help you a lot

Tip #5: Proper heal order

The last tip and the must complex is a proper heal order. Try to only heal and other class mainly Soliders, Demomans,Scout, or pyro because they are classes that need the most healing and are often on the front lines. Then uber Soliders,Demomans, and most importantly heavies. Solider and Demomans damage relies on splash so that can get rid of more enimies at a time and then theres heavy who can rack up a lot of damage quickly and this is so effective at times it seems like he is a God.

Last Tip: Have fun:)

-Darth the Medic
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