Empathy: Path of Whispers

Empathy: Path of Whispers

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Empathy: Path of Whispers 100% - All Walkthroughs, All Achievements in video [EN/FR]
Oleh lapinkiller45 <<AD>>
Tous les Walkthroughs, tous les succès en vidéo.
Batalkan favorit
You can find all the Walkthroughs and all the Achievements in video in the following playlist :


This is the link to the Walkthrough 1 :

Act 1 Part 1 :

Have fun !

Vous pouvez retrouver tous les Walkthroughs et tous les Succès en vidéo dans la playlist suivante :


Voici le lien vers le Walkthrough 1 :

Acte 1 Partie 1 :

Bon jeu !

13 Komentar
lapinkiller45 <<AD>>  [pembuat] 8 Jul 2021 @ 12:46pm 
Happy to help you
lapinkiller45 <<AD>>  [pembuat] 8 Jul 2021 @ 12:21pm 
Walkthrough 15
frabait 21 Des 2018 @ 6:16am 
It worked in fits and starts for a short time, then, he doesn't want to hear about Boot ... or rather, my request for the play, the game starts to settle and an instant later disappears completely from the main page of the Monitor; Windows application launch bar, there remains only one unknown file icon below! I try again and repeats the same scene! I uninstalled and reinstalled: all as above described! Does not work!!! Among the misfortunes, you add the fact that STEAM does not want to rimborsami the expense of buying the game! and it is certainly not my fault!!! Meditate gente, meditate!
lapinkiller45 <<AD>>  [pembuat] 21 Des 2018 @ 6:10am 
@frabait : Si tu as un problème avec le jeu c'est au développeur qu'il faut en parler, moi je ne peux rien faire pour t'aider. / Se hai un problema con il gioco, è compito dello sviluppatore parlarne, non posso fare nulla per aiutarti.
frabait 21 Des 2018 @ 6:08am 
Ha funzionato a singhiozzo per un breve periodo, poi, non ne vuole più saperne di avviarsi...o meglio: parte le mia richiesta di giocare, il gioco inizia ad installarsi ed un istante dopo sparisce completamente dalla pagina principale del Monitor; sulla barra di avvio applicazioni di Windows, rimane solo una icona di file sconosciuto in basso! Riprovo e si ripete la stessa scena! Ho disinstallato e reinstallato: tutto come sopra descritto! Non funziona!!! Tra le disgrazie, si aggiunge pure il fatto che STEAM non vuole rimborsami la spesa di acquisto del Gioco!...e la colpa non è certamente mia!!! Meditate gente, meditate!
lapinkiller45 <<AD>>  [pembuat] 7 Nov 2017 @ 8:55am 
If I remember we can go back in this game unless you are at the last act. Maybe contact the devs if you need a save jsut before the end.
rogermorse 7 Nov 2017 @ 8:53am 
maybe can you share a save before the end? I had 32/34 documents at the end of the game and I could not go back to n. 5 and n.14
rogermorse 7 Nov 2017 @ 8:51am 
I found it in the video but I cannot go back. Also, n.5 is in act 1....I have to play everything from the beginning I think....
lapinkiller45 <<AD>>  [pembuat] 7 Nov 2017 @ 8:50am 
Have you find n°14 or you need a little help ?
rogermorse 7 Nov 2017 @ 8:26am 
Ok found it....act 1 part 3.... :( I missed journal n.5 and n.14 :(((