767 ratings
Guilty Gear Git Gud Guide Guide
By Rhinehart
This guide is mostly a list of where you can find better guides, because people keep asking me for help and resources, so I put them all in one place!
How to Use This Guide
Update!: I added a new section called Finding Your Local FGC containing a link to a map of all the FGC meetups all over the world. It's right before the text-based guides, so check the table of contents for quick access to it.

Johnny would tell you lesson one is to never go for the jackpot. He may as well be talking about hit confirming here, though. But I'm going to start off with the single most important thing that every Guilty Gear player needs to get into their skulls. NEVER GIVE UP. As with most things, the more effort you put into this game, the more you will ultimately get out of it. Getting good takes time. Putting in the time requires determination and detication. THERE IS NO EASY WAY TO GET GOOD AT FIGHTING GAMES.

Fortunately, one thing Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator/Rev 2 does well is give you a plethora of tutorial modes to play and in-game FAQs for words of encouragement when you need them. Guilty Gear Xrd may be a hard game to play, but it has the best tutorial and other features necessary for you to improve your game. The mission mode is perfect for learning how to use the game's mechanics and learn important terms like hit confirm, anti-air, faultless defense, dead angle, burst, and much more. If you've already completed the tutorial, move on to mission mode to learn how the game is played in general. You can learn matchups there, too. If you want to learn your character's combos, run through their combo mode. Don't be too worried if you struggle. I watched Infiltration struggle with Ramlethal's combo mode for hours live on Twitch. Just keep at it, practice makes perfect.

In oder to learn how to do a lot of the things you can do in Guilty Gear, and fighting games in general, you have to know what everything means. The game does a good job teaching the Guilty Gear specific terms in the tutorial, mission and combo modes, but I'll provide you a link here you can refer to anytime you see or hear a term you're unfamiliar with.

Wiktionary's Glossary of Fighting Games[] covers every term from all fighting games, so there'll be some in there that don't apply to Guilty Gear, but if you see a term in any of the guides below that you don't understand, refer to that link.

The character guides sections are alphabetized, so if you don't see your character in the contents, go to the section they'd probably be in. Also, due to the sheer amount of videos in this guide, don't be surprised if you lag a little while viewing it. Sorry 'bout that.
Why Guilty Gear?
Why should you play Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator/Rev 2? Well, you can read my review of Revelator or you can watch Max's. Or just read other people's reviews of the game from the store page.

If you're a Street Fighter player, and you're not too sure about the big gap in the skill ceilings between Street Fighter and Guilty Gear, you might want to have a look at this video, too.

tl;dr: It's very versatile and just fun as all hell to play.
Who Do I Pick?

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 has a pretty nice selection of characters, and no two characters share the same playstyle. The first thing I recommend doing is picking who looks like they fit your style.
Whether it's in their playstyle, their art design or personality, everyone has a character they play 'cuz they either identify with them or they just "feel right." I started maining Chipp back in the day 'cuz he's such a fast character. When I played fighting games with my friends in middle and high school, they always commented on how fast my fingers are, so when I saw how fast Chipp was, I knew he was a character that could bring out my best. But that's just me.

Core-A Gaming's Analysis on the subject does a pretty good job covering it as well.

But this video covers this game specifically, and even lists some of the more beginner friendly characters, which may be more helpful to most of you.
What Do I Use?
Most people who play fighting games competitively will say you've gotta use a fightstick or arcade stick, such as a Qanba Obsidian, MadCatz Tournament Edition 2 stick, or whatever, but the truth is you should just use whatever you're good with. Arcade sticks are pretty viable in the long run, but so are Hitboxes, keyboards, gamepads or fightpads, whatever floats your boat. This is another topic Core-A Gaming does a great analysis on.

Guilty Gear Crash Course
Guilty Gear Xrd may be a hard game to play, but it has the best tutorial and other features necessary for you to improve your game. The mission mode is perfect for learning how to use the game's mechanics and learn important terms like hit confirm, anti-air, faultless defense, dead angle, burst, and much more. If you've already completed the tutorial, move on to mission mode to learn how the game is played in general. You can learn matchups there, too. If you want to learn your character's combos, run through their combo mode. Don't be too worried if you struggle. I watched Infiltration struggle with Ramlethal's combo mode for hours live on Twitch. Just keep at it, practice makes perfect.

The Guilty Gear Crash Course is must-see TV for anyone who wants to get good at Guilty Gear. Each episode has a homework assignment to do and practice, so do them before moving onto the next one.

The Street Fighter's Guide to Guilty Gear
I'm not 100% sure this guide's 100% completed yet, but I'll update this section as more episodes come out. However, what it has there is pretty good, too. The 0.1 and 0.2 parts are included despite having been shown/referenced in previous sections.

Part 0.1: Why Bother?

Part 0.2: Who to Pick?

Part 1: Neutral

Part 2: Combos

Part 3: Universal Mechanics

Part 4: Defense

Part 5: Pressure & Oki

A Few More Videos

Mashing Out Of Stagger

Lord Knight's Beginner Character Overview (Revelator only)

Mission Mode with Lord Knight
Finding Your Local FGC
Fighting against people in person is the best way to learn. Make some friends you can play regularly with and have them help you learn. The FGC loves to help people learn so they can ultimately have more competition. If you're interested in playing offline and meeting other players from your local fighting game community, you should check out this map from Zombiebrian[].
General Text Based Guides

This section mainly contains resources listed from the #resources channel in the Guilty Gear Discord. Feel free to ask around there if you want anything from any of these guides clarified.

General Fighting Games

General Guilty Gear

Articles by Nage:
Character Guides (Answer-Jam)







  • Guilty Bits[]
  • Faust Notes[]
  • Item Property Guide
  • Jackpot Items
  • Basic Combos (Sign)
  • Corner RC Extensions (Revelator)


  • Guilty Bits[]
  • Overview by DrunkenChicken
  • Minion Primer
  • Jack-O Combo Guide

Character Guides (Johnny-Sin)

Kum Haehyun








Character Guides (Slayer-Zato)



Matchup Guides
Match-up Guides
If you're looking for matchup information, the list below has plenty of guides, but watching high level players fight the matchup you're looking for is another good way to learn matchups, so the biggest resource you can find for specific matchup videos are at keeponrockin[]. Look there first, and select the characters from the menu on the side.

Discord Servers
This section links to all the Guilty Gear Discord servers, excluding the Plus R server (check the previous section for that link if you want it). In the main Guilty Gear Xrd server, you can find other new players to play with in the #new_player_lounge, and they now host weekly new player tournaments there, as well as the long running, more professional tournaments you can join when you're feeling more confident.

Anything you want to learn about a particular character that wasn't included in the previous sections can be learned via the #resources or #stickies channels in each character's Discord server, so feel free to join any one of them you want to learn. You'll likely find as many guides as there were in the General Guides section in the character Discord servers.

Discord Servers:
My Videos
Don't Play with Your Food

Angry Rhinehart

Online Tournament I Got 3rd Place In

There's more to see from my YouTube channel (listed in the section below), but I figure putting three of my vids up here are enough to sate anyone's curiosity, if they have any.
The End
Still here? Feel free to check out Core-A Gaming's Analysis videos. They're good to watch no matter what fighting game you play. Here are some of the most important ones (some of which I may have posted elsewhere in the guide, but here they are again).

Feel free to check out my Twitch and YouTube channels as well, though I don't really have much in the way of recent content on either, due to...reasons.

Twitch - Rhinehart[]
YouTube - Them's Fightin' Games

I believe this guide is now finished, but feel free to contribute if there's anything you want me to include.
Blumpo Gripliskin 28 Jan @ 6:18pm 
yeah, i'm in switzerland and it's a 3 hour train trip for a monthly tournament... for strive...
Rhinehart  [author] 28 Jan @ 5:57pm 
Admittedly, it is pretty hard to find locals, depending on your region. The FGC map probably hasn't been updated in a number of years either. Check around any local b/arcades (if you've got any) or universities (ask about anime or gaming clubs).
Blumpo Gripliskin 28 Jan @ 12:13pm 
"finding your local fgc"
RandyMarsh 28 Aug, 2022 @ 9:43am 
Noice guide. Add me if you wanna play
vestwest 18 Nov, 2021 @ 5:15pm 
im so glad people like you keep this franchise alive. it brings joy to my soul.
peensauce 11 Sep, 2021 @ 10:21am 
Johnny sins :goodhero:
PrinsjeMaurits 14 Feb, 2021 @ 3:14am 
impressive guide!!! very detailed thnx
keihtg 7 Nov, 2020 @ 10:19pm 
Can you make a printable version? The videos don't come out.
Rexy 27 Sep, 2020 @ 11:07pm 
I was just talking about how I didn't expect to get much info from others due to this community not being as big as others, but here we are, with everything you'd ever want to know. This must have taken a long time to make, so thanks a lot for sticking to it!
Dzeppetto 31 May, 2020 @ 12:23pm 
I want to ask something... What is better to buy? ,,Guilty Gear 2X #Reload" or ,,Guilty Gear Isuka"?