Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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WAC Community 1
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Type de contenu: Addon
Type d'addon: Véhicule
Mots-clés d'addon: Divertissement, Réalisme
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141.416 MB
18 nov. 2012 à 10h21
27 juin 2022 à 14h57
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WAC Community 1

Dans 2 collections faites par Divided
The Abyss
58 objets
WAC Community
11 objets
Welcome to my community aircraft pack for WAC. Of course, this being an extension of WAC itself requires the core WAC to function. You can find it here: - You may need to be signed into steam on the browser you use for it to appear - It has not been removed!

On a note of requiring that, new code has been added that will automatically tell you and bring up the steam browser if WAC Aircraft has not been installed.

If you don't know what WAC is and would like to know more, refer to the facepunch thread:

Aircraft in this pack:
• Aircreation 582SL
• Bell 206B
• Bell 206B Amphibian
• Boeing AH-64D Longbow
• CH-46 Sea Knight
• CH-47 Chinook
• Curtiss JN-4 Jenny


Q: I can't take off!
A: Go to your settings via Spawnmenu/Options/WAC/Aircraft and after that click on the tab that says "Double Force" and make sure when you check it that there's a green check mark in there and then you'll be able to fly.

Q: Some of the aircraft crash my game! What do I do?
A: This is a known issue, for now as a temporary fix join a server with them on, or run a local multiplayer server.

Q: Can you make <aircraft>?
A: Yes, if you provide us with compatible models in the source engine.

Q: Why did this addon keep getting banned?
A: The addon was banned from workshop due to 'Lua Errors', aka people not installing the WAC Base. I have fixed this now and Gran PC allowed me re-upload of it.

Q: Can I get the sauce for this addon?
A: Sure, on my GitHub page:

Q: What's up with those twin-bladed choppers?
A: Support for them is very limited at the moment but will be improved over time.

Q: Why doesn't it work?
A: It highly depends what doesn't work. If you're getting the 'WAC not detected' message then you just simply need to follow the link to install it. If you have then done that and still nothing, or you only see a few of them, you're either missing all of my community packs or there are conflicts with other addons on workshop, weapon packs seem to be the no.1 cause but that doesn't mean the problem is exclusively caused by them.

Q: Where can I play online with all these awesome aircraft?
A: - My very own server.

Q: I can't see any/some of the choppers, and I have 'WAC Aircraft' installed?
A: You probably have too many addons, don't blame me, blame garry.

Q: Wow this addon is amazing, anywhere I can donate?
A: Donate to weltensturm himself:

IMPORTANT: Weltensturm DID NOT make this, so don't go-to him asking about stuff to do with this. Thank you!
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1 122 commentaires
TEKNO 26 aout 2024 à 15h09 
i shall see:steamhappy:
skipy 2 aout 2024 à 23h31 
i like this mod:missing:
j3fh4l 9 oct. 2023 à 10h21 
can someone help me? There is a screamer but i dont know which mod is it
bigbootygaming9000 10 juin 2023 à 9h16 
duk 22 mai 2023 à 2h03 
the first image is legendary
IL0NIXZ 3 avr. 2023 à 21h22 
Is it possible to close the back door of the CH-47?
Mentally Ill 13 janv. 2023 à 19h05 
which chopper is the one used in the second picture?
Lily McFluffy Butt 14 déc. 2022 à 12h07 
The Jenny is hardly fixed at all. Taking off from the ground is practically impossible and even when taking off from a ledge, it is very sluggish and slow.
Pervvesi 16 nov. 2022 à 4h01 
вертолеты начиненные по 1000 взрывчатки и взрываются от прикосновения
Nexus 12 nov. 2022 à 8h28 
Настоящие пацаны летают на WAC