總時數 7.6 小時
東方冰之勇者記 徽章
Cirno the Genius
等級 3, 300 經驗值
解鎖於 1 月 19 日 下午 7:47
Eternal Lady of Reverie
1 / 11,第 1 套
Magician Researching the Stars
2 / 11,第 1 套
The Rumored Hero of Ice
3 / 11,第 1 套
Princess of Misty Lake
4 / 11,第 1 套
Gensokyo's Final Nightmare
5 / 11,第 1 套
Owner of the Youkai Pub
6 / 11,第 1 套
Self-Centered Kappa Inventor
7 / 11,第 1 套
The Enigmatic Great Tengu
8 / 11,第 1 套
Half-Phantom Swordswoman
9 / 11,第 1 套
The Cunning Conductor
10 / 11,第 1 套
Busy Red-Eyed Cabin Manager
11 / 11,第 1 套