mahdi palang
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Однокрылый ангел 29 Jul, 2023 @ 12:57am 
I take baths with my kids. I'm naked with my kids. I have sex in front of my kids. I'll never be ashamed of sex. My son, be breastfeeding while I'll be making love to his mom. That's me, bruh. That's how I get down around kids! I try to keep they purity! I don't wanna take they purity away by coverin' myself up, they gonna be ashamed and cover theyself up, and I'm pure at heart, so you can think in your mind if I let another kid here, I'm gonna have to change the way I am, so that your kid can be comfortable around me!? No! I'm gonna be naked as ♥♥♥♥ in front of yo kids! my son comes up and grabs my penis, I let him grab my penis! I have sex with his mom, I'm making love to his mother. after I'm done, I'm layin' there, chillin'! He grab my penis, and he's playin' with my penis... I let that happen. I say "Yeah, look, you got one too.", And he laughin', and the moment is over. It ain't... It's pure!