V1 15. Nov. um 16:56 
ultrakill fan detected
MCP!can 11. Nov. um 6:02 
user (jolly) 9. Nov. um 21:35 
but who are you?
user (jolly) 9. Nov. um 21:34 
from the tf2 hub? yeah i got banned for a month for calling out a rage baiter
user (jolly) 9. Nov. um 21:33 
lavalobster93 9. Nov. um 17:56 
banned teehee
Der dicke Shiba 4. Nov. um 9:49 
user (jolly) 4. Nov. um 9:46 
no you're actually a schizophrenic
Der dicke Shiba 4. Nov. um 8:55 
is that the character "V1" from the hit video game "ULTRAKILL"? (spooky)
mini mann 12. Okt. um 22:52 
goofighter007 12. Okt. um 15:09 
♥♥♥♥, wobbly in brick rigs
the observer 5. Okt. um 20:20 
chat is this sigma
BORG 4. Okt. um 20:35 
I would have responded to your inquiry about The Long Drive beta (technically alpha) on the discussion board, but they banned me for no good reason. Very, very common.

I think the update that should have been called an alpha release and that they lied about us getting an actual update to what we all assumed would be the stable branch version of the game. What we got wasn't really an update, but alpha work that's not even test worthy (beta) in a beta branch. We're all being taken for the long ride.

See my review on the game if you like. There's more info there.
Flusskohl 4. Okt. um 10:47 
+Rep very spooky name.
Kinito 2. Okt. um 14:48 
v1 ulterkil
user (jolly) 2. Okt. um 4:25 
Nath B 2. Okt. um 0:53 
bro transed????
user (jolly) 22. Sep. um 9:03 
i have transitioned from V2 to V1
Kinito 22. Mai um 17:09 
cool guy. i wonder where his original arm is
user (jolly) 16. Apr. um 13:05 
i love chocolate
DrinkThatMakesYouForget 6. Apr. um 20:57 
choco'latte ☕
Kinito 9. März um 15:17 
user (jolly) 31. Dez. 2023 um 11:44 
i am (not) cool