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5 от 15 (33%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Lights, camera, action!

Start your first game
Откл. на 8 март в 7:17

Silence on set!

Finish the tutorial
Откл. на 8 март в 7:24

Take 2

Revive the puppet once
Откл. на 8 март в 7:20

Take 5...

Revive the puppet five times
Откл. на 8 март в 7:26

Behind the Scenes (3)

Unlock the third secret
Откл. на 8 март в 7:49


Play as both characters


Suffer a deadly fall

It’s in the can!

Obtain your first mask

No animals were harmed in the making of this film

Get killed by an enemy

For the blooper reel

Pull the drawer under the house

Standing ovation

Finish the demo

Behind the Scenes (1)

Unlock the first secret

Behind the Scenes (2)

Unlock the second secret

Behind the Scenes (4)

Unlock the fourth secret

Behind the Scenes (5)

Unlock the fifth secret