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Опубликовано: 18 авг. 2024 г. в 8:27
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Who said the afterlife is boring when you are a matchmaking ghost?!

I have so much I can say about how much I love about this game. Cozy games are my way to decompress and relax after a long day. When I found out about this game and saw the trailer I knew this game would be a perfect game for me. I had been eagerly waiting for the release for a while and talked super highly to everyone how cute/good/funny it looked. When the demo came out I ended up playing it multiple times because I loved it so much. I also loved how long the demo was and gave you a great look into how the game was going to be. Then when the demo ended I was left wanting to finish lol Wanting to see how my matches would end up. Even though I havent finished the game in its entirety I already know this is going to be such a big hit. I have fallen in love with characters and the matches I have made. I even have teared up seeing my favorite couple's ending conversation. Left me feel so full.

If you like dating sim games with a huge playability and the cutest gameplay ever, this is the game for you. It will leave you saying "aww" around every corner along laughing at all the puns written in the along the way as well. This game has the perfect amount of cozy, silly, and cute that you could ever want in a cozy wholesome game.

1000000000000000000000/10 Recommend

Good job to the whole team behind the game. You all made such a beautiful game that has honestly become a new personal all time favorite.

In the future I think this game would do SOOOO well on Switch. So many more cozy gamers on that platform I believe would love this game as much as we do. <3
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Комментариев: 1
76561199767662825 4 сен. 2024 г. в 22:46 
Wow,your review is on point! So much info and thought put into it. I'm seriously impressed. Keep it up! 💖👏