Salut sa vous intéresse j'ai un ami a moi il a refait un basebuilder comme l'ancienne (dark gamerz) si vous souhaite tenez le groupe steam : https://steamproxy.com/groups/XServesrBasebuilderDiscord : https://discord.gg/dXWYARS Hi its interested I have a friend of mine he has redone a basebuilder like the old (dark gamerz) if you wish to hold the steam group: https://steamproxy.com/groups/XServesrBasebuilderDiscord :
1 个记录在案的游戏封禁 | 信息
上次封禁于 1581 天前
Ace67 2020 年 10 月 30 日 下午 12:45 
»----=======[» X-Server Basebuilder «]=======----«

» CounterStrike 1.6 Basebuilder 5.4
» Server IP: Soon
» Info: Server like dark gamerz/familly breaker <3
» Discord: discord.gg/jUfr73vNEy
» Steam Group: https://steamproxy.com/groups/XServesrBasebuilder

»----=======[» X-Server Basebuilder «]=======----«