.   Tokyo, Japan
☠Rules for PsychoPathic Life☠

☠ Make fear be afraid of you
☠There´s no escaping what´s inside of you
☠And was suffering that I learned to be cold
☠You are weak because you lack hatred
☠Love is the worst monster of all
☠The loneliness is sometimes ours better company
☠Your soul is back stained of innocent blood
☠All monsters are humans
☠Silence is the virtue os crazy
☠Loneliness is mine lifemate
☠Crying doesn´t have any fun
☠Why are yelling
☠Wherever you go,I will be behind
☠Never trust anyone
☠Waiting in the dark by someone who will never come

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게임 차단 기록 1건 | 정보
마지막 차단 이후 815일 경과
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Pent 2021년 9월 14일 오후 2시 06분