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1 of 12 (8%) Достигнати постижения::

Лични постижения

Looking up at the starry sky

Winning for the first time in the game [Sky of Chaos]
Откл. на 4 март в 10:27


Gain 10 victories in the game [Sky of Chaos]
1 / 10

Great Prophet

Gain 50 victories in the game [Sky of Chaos]
1 / 50

Embracing the suns

Gain 100 victories in the game [Sky of Chaos]
1 / 100

Debut of galaxy

Winning for the first time in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 1

Expert of galaxy

Gain 10 victories in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 10

Master of galaxy

Gain 50 victories in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 50

King of galaxy

Gain 100 victories in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 100

First blood

Kill civilization for the first time in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]]
0 / 1

Killer of galaxy

Kill 100 civilizations in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 100

Demon of galaxy

Kill 500 civilizations in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 500

Death's End

Kill 1000 civilizations in the game [Galaxy of Slaughter]
0 / 1,000