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Item Showcase
Beagle 30 Nov, 2023 @ 4:22pm 
DANGEROUS 17 May, 2023 @ 11:14pm 
Signed by 子豪ChildKing :~)
Beagle 24 Feb, 2023 @ 9:23pm 
中医认为肾精充足是健康长寿的基础:泄精即泄寿,精少则病,寿尽在精;婚前禁欲,婚后节欲。别仗着年轻,做出让未来后悔的事。这涉及到自己身体、家庭生活、后代子女的健康、工作事业等诸多问题,淫邪恶习必须戒掉!手淫快感是假。伤肾是真。前列腺炎是真。精索是真。神衰是真。变丑是真。痤疮是真。脱发是真。尿急是真。尿分叉是真。尿不尽是真。频遗是真。脾肾阳虚是真。耳鸣是真。肤色晦暗是真。双眼无神是真。身体发臭是真。对视障碍是真。撸完肚痛是真。精不液化是真。皮肤出油是真。鼻炎是真。射精障碍是真。射血是真。猝死是真。还敢手淫吗?手淫是高危行为,不要自己害自己了!切记!正能量公认的手淫害处 警醒!!!
Beagle 17 Nov, 2022 @ 6:34am 
Beagle 26 Oct, 2022 @ 11:55am 
Good afternoon Mr. Fu, we from the Australian Society of Urology have received your emailed questions, and we are pleased to answer them:

1) Yes, 9 cm is considered small. We suggest surgical process;

2) No, it is not common for condoms to become loose. There is no super small size, this size is unique;

3) Although 9 cm is a very small size, it is possible for the partner to reach climax during sexual intercourse, so if this does not occur in your relationships as mentioned, it may be lack of competence on your part;

4) No, you can't have a prostate exam, it's only for people over 50. Please do not insist;

5) The strong desire for same-sex people may be a strong sign of a tendency towards homosexuality;

We are available for any questions!
Beagle 26 Oct, 2022 @ 11:53am 