Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

Globale Errungenschaftsstatistik anzeigen
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0 von 11 (0 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

First Click!

Clicked the Banana

100 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 100 times

1000 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 1000 times

10000 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 10000 times

100,000 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 100,000 times!

1,000,000 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 1,000,000 times!

5,000,000 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 5,000,000 times!

10,000,000 Clicks!

Clicked the Banana 10,000,000 times!

Workshop editor

Opened up the workshop tab

Checked out Attributions

Opened the Attributions menu


Toggled the music