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投稿日: 2020年3月31日 19時02分
更新日: 2020年6月8日 6時51分

I‘ve been play this game for 600 hours.I hope I can give ubi rave reviews.But now i feel terrible for new change in tts. It gives me a lot of frustration.Why nerf jager again??????Just because every love him or ubi think we should take care waimai?ying used to have smoke and ubi take off it,but it come back now. Kaid's AUG really difficult,and ubi nerf another gun, Kaid will not have any chance to shot,he is too week now. I heard that R6S new team from over watch.This team,this stupid change will ruin R6S just like they ruined over watch .If ubi insist on this change , it's time I leave this game .
OK, I wish this game can have change
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