im cracked at CSGO.(jk) but i do like to trade
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76561199623919302 12 OCT a las 2:59 
dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
nwm dlaczego nie moge dodac z maina
76561199622042199 24 SEP a las 7:04 
dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
nwm dlaczego nie moge dodac z maina
76561199624295224 29 AGO a las 7:38 
Deagle ace machine💥
76561199152511447 Intercambios bloqueados 16 SEP 2023 a las 21:59 
+rep hi good player add me for a trade because im willing to give you a good offer if you are interested and let's trade on steam only for safety
【H.D】V 12 JUN 2023 a las 9:57 
+rep kind and nice person.
wire 2 JUN 2023 a las 20:55 
-rep annoying 8 year old child