back in 1.6 they called me "Thunder Bolts Of Lightning" for when i used a sniper it was like a "thunder bolt of lightning" my teammate called zivot used to give the team celebratory blowjobs
was a pro in 1.6
SigmaGoon58 24 січ. о 13:37 
get the hive
ratty 17 січ. о 16:59 
most unpleasant loser I have ever encountered
Zohan 30 груд. 2024 о 3:51 
UnCool Dre Обмін заблоковано 6 листоп. 2023 о 3:18 
back in 1.6 they called you cringe trash
SleepyMcGezzy 25 жовт. 2023 о 22:15 
I love my brother so much. He's a 1.6 CS legend! He taught me how to get good at CS2. I would appreciate it if everyone shows him some respect for he is the GOAT!
RedDeath 25 жовт. 2023 о 22:10 
back in 1.6 they used to call me...