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Publicada: 20 dez. 2020 às 8:53

the game is ok. If you like semi-realistic shooter games that will either cause you to ♥♥♥♥ yourself after some under cooked curry because a frag some-f*cking-how landed right next to you, as you approach the objective. Or make you laugh when you enter a room and clear it as perfect as one could in a game, get flanked as you sweep the room; die and then realise your r*tarded teammates never figured the buddy system and never considered to help you.

Overall, its ok. I hated it at first but it grew on me, if you bought it on sale - hang on to the game because it may grow on you.

If you hate titles such as: cs:go and other competitive multi-objective based shooter games, regardless of PvP (this game has the option) - dont buy it, you will consider breaking your keyboard over your f*cking knee.

The gunplay is good, personally I have shot the "F88 steyr", the Aug A3 in game; I can say its very close.
For me as a short c*nt at like 125 lbs, like 60kg, the recoil with the stock optic (IRL and in game), we're very similar, with myself prone and the character standing in game. This makes it pretty fun ngl.

Each to their own.
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