
Daddy 最近的評論

目前顯示第 1-7 項,共 7 項
總時數 1.1 小時 (評論時已進行 0.7 小時)
It was fun for the first 30 minutes, the crafting goes quite deep and isn't like any other crafting game, the graphics are good, I have a ryzen 5 2400G and RX570 4GB and I run this at high settings with soft shadows and get about 65+ fps majority of the time. I like the story so far and want to know why the main characters are trying to communicate with the local tribes. But my game keeps crashing when you need to go and inspect some tobacco plant, I would climb the rock and when i reach the top a cut scene starts where you fall down, my screen goes dark and an error message pops up, I cant see the code or anything because my screen is black and i cant tab out.

I recommend this game, so far I enjoyed it and I'm sure the issue is minor and can be fixed. it is an early access title and people seem to forget that. You can't expect it to run flawlessly. So I wont be giving it a negative review as of yet.

張貼於 2019 年 4 月 23 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 0.0 小時
Says you get over 60+ skins, doesn't say that you have to play the game to get them. so if you're not playing 24/7 don't even bother trying the challenges because 90% of them are completely unreasonable and tedious.
張貼於 2019 年 2 月 19 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 43.3 小時 (評論時已進行 29.0 小時)
I really enjoy this game, if you like open world, survival games then this is it.

- map is huge
- different biomes (snow area, forested area and desert area)
- fun gunplay mechanics
- Crafting menu needs more work i believe it could be done better
- Wish official server had more loot
- Major towns needs more decent loot
- Optimisation is needed (FPS drops a lot)
- Need a way to repair cars
- D-sync is a major problem
- Some of the robots are way too overpowered, they would turn around in an instant and
at you when they are not looking
- Key binds needs to be better implemented (they wont always change, or register key
張貼於 2018 年 11 月 25 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 2 月 27 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 11.6 小時 (評論時已進行 10.7 小時)
This, this game is a masterpiece. Took me 10 Hours to complete. I've never felt so sad after completing a game, knowing there won't be anyhting else quite like it. i recommend this game to everyone with an open mind.
張貼於 2018 年 11 月 25 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 11 月 26 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 0.7 小時
張貼於 2018 年 11 月 22 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 337.7 小時 (評論時已進行 331.6 小時)
"Please remember to be polite and follow the Rules and Guidelines." <--- F*ck this, don't buy it. The game sucks.
張貼於 2018 年 4 月 25 日。 最後編輯於 2019 年 2 月 23 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
總時數 1,337.6 小時 (評論時已進行 896.8 小時)
CS:GO 評論
its fun but it gets worse with time
張貼於 2017 年 11 月 6 日。 最後編輯於 2018 年 11 月 21 日。
這篇評論值得參考嗎? 搞笑 獎勵
目前顯示第 1-7 項,共 7 項