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Recent reviews by Dave0074

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3 people found this review helpful
25.0 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
There is a reason that this game's name is EVO

Handlings feels super nice, it really feels like AC and ACC having a child, this is it.
Sounds are great too.
Graphics are beatiful, maybe rendering things like grass, trees etc feels a bit weird but this will be fixed I believe.
UI feels a bit laggy, it has like 20fps but that's a bug for everyone from what I saw.
Overall optimization would be great.

This game has HUGE potential, it only needs some polishing and add rest of the content but I believe in Kunos that they will make this happen, still it's first day of Early Access.
Posted 16 January. Last edited 16 January.
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38.8 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Hell Yeah! simulator
Posted 29 December, 2024.
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32.2 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
Simulátor Ostravy. Úžasná a skvělá česká hra.

Tuhle recenzi mě bohužel donutily napsat Steam Awards.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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36.0 hrs on record (24.2 hrs at review time)
Vskutku skvělý videoherní titul, můžete zde farmařit, rybařit, těžit, objevovat, seznamovat se a upgradovat farmu a barák, kde se později nastěhuje vaše žena a děti a to všechno v krásně udělané pixelované grafice
Posted 2 April, 2024.
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16.7 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Je to výborná videohra, zvlášť pánové si ji užijí, fyzika vlasů je zvláštní zatímco fyzika předností Lary je excelentní. Příběh dobrý, detaily na rok 2006 úctihodné, ale budete při některých pasážích nesnášet technické problémy a ovládání hry.
Posted 18 March, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
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191.0 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Kupte si radši 7,42105263 Head And Shoulders šamponů (400ml) Nekupujte si to fakt ne, je to zabugovana sracka a nestoji vam za to vase nervy :)))
Posted 3 July, 2022. Last edited 26 April, 2023.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries