Hugo   Braga, Portugal
© 🆅🅰🅻🆅🅴 Verified Account Portugal
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1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
2319 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Bristol 7.5.2019 klo 1.35 
🐟 Dear SoNgOkU... 💛
→ Dogs just don't seem to be able to tell the difference between important people and the rest of us.

📕 ♧ 💚 ♧ 🌋 ♧ 🌽 ♧ 🚘 ♧ 🔋 ♧ 🍖 ♧ 💎 ♧ 🎍 ♧ ⚡ ♧ 🍧 ♧ 🌂 ♧ 🥒 ♧ 🐝 ♧ 🕺
Yours truly, Jamaal Johnke (the cat)
🚙 👑
finn 6.4.2018 klo 8.10 
signed by presunto :p
dasdad 30.3.2018 klo 4.00 
PR,blm 29.3.2018 klo 19.15 
hiteN 11.2.2018 klo 16.29 
Grande abraço meu mano! - Signed by hiteN'