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6.6 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
The emperor is pleased by this game.
Posted 6 January.
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9.7 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
The best worst game of all time. Nothing else I can say about it. I love this awful game.

Rogue Warrior/10
Rock & Roll ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Rock & Roll!
Posted 12 April, 2024. Last edited 3 May, 2024.
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94.2 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
As of now, we’ve defeated Sony (The biggest threat to Super Earth) and saved Helldivers 2 and Super Earth! We did it Helldivers!

Next major orders: Restore Helldivers 2’s playerbase and positive review percentage

Edit: Looks like we got another major order: Bring Helldivers 2 back in all the countries where Helldivers 2 was delisted.
Posted 8 April, 2024. Last edited 11 May, 2024.
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13.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Disclaimer: In this review, I'll be talking about the early access version of the game. I'll be talking about episode 1 & 2 but I'm not gonna talk about episode 3 because it's not out yet. This review will be updated once I've played episode 3.

Warning: This review contains spoilers of the game. Ladies and gentlemen, if you haven't played the game yet, don't read parts of this review where the text is covered by black bars. Also, the game contains content and materials not recommended for children and/or those seeking to enhance or establish political careers. Leave immediately if you are a kid or if you are an adult and you are uncomfortable by the content that is in the game. Violence and inappropriate actions only belong in video games and cartoons (including anime) and not the real world. Do not attempt to recreate or mimic any of the actions, events and situations occurring in this game.

The Coffin of Andy & Leyley (Also known as Cannibal Corpse: The Video Game or Blood Red Throne: The Video Game (I'm calling the game that because it reminds me of some of the brutal and violent songs made by two of my favorite death metal bands)) is a well written and disturbing dark comedy horror game that is about a man named Andrew Graves and his sister named Ashley Graves (who have a toxic sibling relationship) trying to survive in a dystopian world by killing people and they eat the dead bodies of the people they killed in order to not starve to death, and they are both trying to escape the consequences of their actions both in the past and in the present.

The game has a great artstyle and soundtrack accompanied with a good story and well written characters. Now, let's talk about why this game is (so far) a great game.

The Story (Warning: This part of the review contains spoilers)

The story begins with a man named Andrew Graves and a woman named Ashley Graves (who is Andrew's sister)
stuck in a apartment complex that is quarantined because the water in the town is tainted. (It was later revealed that the apartment complex is a organ harvest center the entire time and the entire quarantine and the tainted water crap was a hoax to use people against their will). The authorities treated the people in the apartment complex like ♥♥♥♥ (based on blood type) by not giving the people food and that led to the people in the building starving (Including Ashley and Andrew) and going insane. Ashley and Andrew saw their neighbor summoning a demon and the demon killed the man who summoned the demon. Ashley and Andrew have no choice but to cut the dead man to pieces and they ate him (They also found a book that talks about how to summon demons). Ashley and Andrew were planning on using the demonic ritual to escape the apartment complex, but the warden came in the room where the cloaked man was killed and was then killed by the siblings. Ashley and Andrew killed another warden by summoning a demon and the demon gave Ashley and Andrew an item which gives the ability to seeing future events in occasional dreams. Before escaping the apartment complex, Andrew argued with Ashley and called her out for being manipulative, intrusive and weird. Andrew also called Ashley out for harassing his girlfriend and being the reason why Andrew's girlfriend broke up with him. Ashley doesn't show any remorse for what she did to Andrew's girlfriend and was proud of harassing her. Ashley then blamed everything on Andrew desecrating the corpse of the dead cloaked man, killing the first warden and killing a innocent lady even though the mastermind is always herself. She even went so far as to blame the death of their childhood friend on Andrew (Even though she manipulated Andrew into killing the girl), which lead to the argument becoming intense. After the argument, Ashley and Andrew escaped the apartment complex and are trying to avoid getting caught by the authorities and find out why they were imprisoned.
The story is (so far) well written. The game does a good job on tackling dark subjects (For example: murder and sibling abuse) in a respectful and mature way without exploiting it (just like how Kane & Lynch 1 did a good job on tackling dark subjects), the villainous protagonists think and behave like real people, the shock content is effective and is part of the story, and the game does a good job with comedy. So far, the story is good.

The Gameplay

Like Telltale Games' The Walking Dead and Ace Attorney, there is not a lot of gameplay in The Coffin of Andy & Leyley. But the story and characters kept me playing because they are well written. I wish the puzzles are more challenging and are like the alien hive scene in Alien: Isolation where the player has to do the puzzles in the right time quickly before they get killed by a threat that is chasing the player down or the puzzles should be like Scorn's puzzles.

Now, there is one more thing that needs to be talked about.

The Controversy (Warning: This part of the review contains spoilers for one of the endings in episode 2)

This wouldn't be a Coffin of Andy & Leyley review without talking about the controversy surrounding it. In the insane Burial route ending in episode 2, Andrew Graves and Ashley Graves got physical with each other and less than a minute later, it was revealed to be a bad dream (nightmare) that the two characters had and they were warned by the item that they got from the demon that killed the warden on episode 1. Because of that scene, Twitter/X users got upset and they accused the game of glorifying/romanticizing incest and they called for violence on the creator of the game. The truth is, the game doesn't glorify/romanticize incest (unlike the disgusting and vile game titled The Suicide of Rachel Foster where that game glorifies pedophilia and grooming (Don't buy that disgusting game)), and the characters are all fictional and they don't look like real people at all (which is a good thing). The game displays incest as a bad thing (as it should) and again it was an event that was warned about as something bad, as a bad event that the characters should avoid doing or if Andrew and Ashley continue what they're doing, there will be a inevitable bad result of their relationship and how toxic it is (and codependent as well).
Number 1: The game doesn't glorify incest.
Number 2: The whole game isn't about incest at all. Twitter/X users claim that the whole game is about that, even though the whole game isn't about that at all.

Don't fall for Twitter/X freaks' lies ladies and gentlemen. These freaks on Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, Discord, Instagram, ResetEra and Steam that care more about drawings of fictional cartoon/anime characters than the safety/well being of real people are the same freaks that sided with EDP445, Vaush and Vice (These freaks that done many terrible things cried over drawings of fictional cartoon/anime characters in a feeble attempt to cover up their crimes).


The Coffin of Andy & Leyley is (so far) a great game. It's a dark, brutal, disturbing, hilarious and well written horror game. It tackles dark topics in a respectful way and has a fantastic artstyle and soundtrack. I recommend buying this game on a full price or on a sale.

The Final Verdict

8/10 Great
Posted 12 February, 2024. Last edited 4 March, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
7.7 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
SUPERHOT is one of the most innovative shooters I've played that is released in the mid 2010s. I've started playing it when I was a teen on the Xbox One and it is a blast to play. Right now, I am 21 and I've started playing the PC port last night (Finished it today) and it is still a really good game. Let me explain why:

The Gameplay

SUPERHOT's gameplay is innovative and well designed. The gunplay is really good, the time only moves when the player moves feature is creative and well designed, the throwing objects or weapons feature is a great feature encouraging the player to defend them self from enemies' bullets and weakening enemies so the player can steal their weapons or melee attack them, the switching bodies feature is a awesome feature, the game is short but the endgame content adds more replay value to the game after completing it, the AI is great and the game is challenging but fair.

The Story

I am not spoiling it. What I can say is that the story is short but pretty good.

The Artstyle

The artstyle is very creative and beautiful. The world is all white while the guys that are trying to kill the player are red. When the player kills the red guys, they fall apart like the Lego characters from the Lego games and it is very cool and satisfying. Overall, the artstyle is really good.


SUPERHOT is a really creative and well designed game. It's basically John Wick, but the main character has time manipulation powers. I highly recommend getting SUPERHOT.

The Final Verdict

9/10 Fantastic
Posted 21 January, 2024.
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229.2 hrs on record (90.4 hrs at review time)
Great game, but they need to fix the enemy AI, the loadout preset system and return the different modes for levels.
Posted 15 December, 2023.
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61.5 hrs on record (55.3 hrs at review time)
Ladies and gentlemen, go postal in this game to scare the Twitter/X freaks.
Posted 28 November, 2023.
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1.5 hrs on record
I regret buying and playing this atrocity.

I've played Postal 3 so that you don't have to. It's not bad, it's worse. Postal 3 is the worst 3rd person shooter I have ever played. I've played and love Postal 2 since I was 18 years old, I am still playing and I still really like Postal 2, Postal: Redux and I'm starting to like Postal 4. As a guy who loves the Postal series, I am offended by this game because of how bad and unfunny it is. After playing less than 2 hours of this atrocity, I am getting a refund and going back to Postal 2, Postal: Redux and Postal 4 right now. Here's why:

The Good: The menu screen music is decent, Postal 3 Postal Dude's VA (Corey Cruise) is a great VA (Too bad he's in this game), and that's it.

The Bad: Everything else in this game ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks! The gunplay is terrible, the animations for a 2011 game are bad, the sound design is abysmal, the melee system is horrible, the AI is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid, the jokes are not funny, the level design is terrible, the controls are clunky as hell, visually the game looks bad for a 2011 game, the morality system is poorly designed and doesn't belong in a Postal game, and the cutscenes are godawful.

Overall, this game sucks and it is the worst game I've played this year. Yes, it's worse than Starfield, Redfall, COD: MW3 (2023 reboot version) and DMC2 (Those games that I've played this year are also terrible).

Final verdict: 0/10 Sinful (At least it's not the disgusting and vile game called The Suicide of Rachel Foster (Don't buy that disgusting game! It's worse than Postal 3.))
Posted 25 November, 2023. Last edited 24 December, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
32.8 hrs on record (31.8 hrs at review time)
Warning: In this review, I am not only reviewing the M rated version of this game, I am also reviewing the AO/18+ rated version of this game. Do not buy/download Agony: Unrated and do not play it if you are under 18.

Agony is what happens when the game devs know what their own game's concept is, but they don't know what type of game they want their own game to be, so they made their game a walking simulator masqueraded as a survival horror game. After finishing the unrated (The Adults Only rated version) version of this game and got all the endings, I am not going to play this atrocity again. It is truly the worst game I've played this year (It is the worst game of 2018), and let me explain why.


The concept is cool. It's basically "What if you went to actual catholic renaissance painting hell? The hard-hitting eternal torture gnashing of teeth hell? What would that even look like? How could it even be comprehensible?". Unfortunately, that's it.


I was about to say the artstyle is a positive, but because the game is too dark on a default gamma setting, the artstyle is irrelevant. The voice acting range from mediocre to absolute ♥♥♥♥, the narrative (Story) is moronic, it tries so hard to be shocking but fails (They have a lot of shocking scenes in the game that are there just for shock value and not important to the story. At first, it's shocking, but after a few moments that are meant to shock the player, it stops being shocking and I've realized that the shocking moments in the game are there just for shock value and they are not important to the story (Some of the moments in the game are so dumb they're hilarious)), the animations are awful, stealth doesn't work, enemy AI is broken, the "boss battles" are a joke, combat is virtually nonexistent, the sound design is terrible, the visuals for the character models are hideous, the possession system is broken, the controls are stiff, the puzzles are idiotic, the collectibles are useless, the endgame content is something that nobody wants to play, hiding spots are removed half way through the game, soundtrack is forgettable, the basic game functions don't work, the level design is bad and the endings don't make the player feel like they achieved anything.


Because of all the problems Agony has that I've already mentioned, the game is a disorganized mess of broken ♥♥♥♥ masqueraded as a survival horror game trying to bank off of an interesting artstyle that you can't see clearly as a result. Also, the game was delayed multiple times before it was released. The devs said they wanted to make the game "perfect". If this is what they call "perfect", then I'm staying far away from them in the future. It tries to spook you with shocking imagery but fails. Frankly I've seen more shocking imagery in hentai (Warning: Like Agony unrated, hentai is only for adults and not suitable for minors. You must be 18 years old or older to view it.) like Metamorphosis (Warning: Metamorphosis is not suitable for minors, it's only for adults and it is a very disturbing manga. Also, please be careful when sharing the Metamorphosis manga because sharing that manga is often a bannable offense in online communities, and the Metamorphosis manga is completely illegal in some countries (Examples: Canada and the UK)) than what I've seen in this game and that's a really low bar. If anything, this game is a testament to how not to make a survival horror game. It truly commits every single wrongdoing that a survival horror can. Is darkness favorable in horror? Absolutely. Look at Soma and Amnesia, these two games are superb examples of this. Don't make the game so dark to the point the player can't see anything on a default gamma setting. Can shocking imagery be effective? Sure, it can be. Look at the recent game Scorn. It did shocking imagery well. Also, look at Wolfenstein: The New Order (Not a survival horror but still mentioning it), that game is a good example of shocking imagery being effective. Don't act like an edgy teenager trying to trigger the player with stupid ♥♥♥♥ like dead babies and/or other stupid ♥♥♥♥. At that point you are just embarrassing yourself. Nobody gives a ♥♥♥♥ about that because it doesn't add to the story. Sure, a child being killed in a game can work effectively in games like Metro, but they look like tacked on afterthoughts in this game. As though they were thrown in because they thought they needed to be thrown in. Is it possible to make a good stealthy horror game? Yes. look at Outlast, that game let's you hide in lockers and other hiding spot and does a good job at having good stealth sections. Don't just slap them on a couple walls and forget to use them half way through the game. Can multiple endings be interesting? Sure. Look at Black Ops 2 (Not a survival horror but I'm still mentioning it), that game has multiple endings and they all make the player feel like they achieved something. you have to make them mean something and be earned somehow. Look at Farcry 5, I played a little bit of the game and dropped it because it's not fun, and after seeing the endings on YouTube, I won't be playing that game again because none of the endings are good. Can tricky and confusing environments be cool? Yeah. Look at The Evil Within 2 and Alan Wake. Those 2 games do that really well by making the game ♥♥♥♥ with your head like the whole time. If the game's sole purpose is to confuse you and pat out the game's pathetic length, then maybe you should have focused on better level design and narrative than wasting our time with some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ twist that happens totally at random. Unfortunately, Agony doesn't succeed in anything it does. Absolutely everything in this game is a failure, there is not a single redeeming aspect to it. That is why Agony is the worst game I've played this year. Fortunately, Scorn didn't ended up being terrible (In my opinion). Play Scorn instead.

The final verdict

0/10 Sinful. At least it's not The Suicide of Rachel Foster (Do not buy that game! The Suicide of Rachel Foster is disgusting.).

Update: I've played Agony mode and it is terrible and the game still sucks. Not surprised at all.
Posted 5 December, 2022. Last edited 24 December, 2023.
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6.5 hrs on record
This game is the game that killed the Battlefield series. Battlefield 1 is the last great Battlefield game (Battlefield 5 is alright now but it's not great). 2042 is the 2nd worst game I've played this year and let me explain why.


The portal mode is great on paper, generic soldiers look cool, cringy voicelines after a match is over are finally gone (Thank god!), 100 players in a lobby, and customizing weapon during combat is a nice feature.


The animations are stiff and terrible (They tried to copy MW 2019's animations but failed to make good animations unlike MW 2019), lack of destruction (Remember BF4 having skyscrapers collapsing?), Specialists are a garbage feature because they took away strategy and teamwork (Also they break the immersion), no classes (They are only in Portal mode), balancing is terrible, ragdoll physics are atrocious, gunplay is bad, the maps are awful, the game has character customization that doesn't fit well to the game, sprint is worthless because tactical sprint is infinite now, the devs intentionally removed many features (Crouch running from BF5 and leaning while in cover are gone), Mackay (The character) sucks, Portal mode is basically a worse version of the older Battlefield games, Hazard Zone sucks, and the game feels more like a worse version of MW 2019 and MW2 2022 than a Battlefield game.


The Act Man is right. This game is the worst multiplayer fps I have ever played (The worst single player fps is Aliens: Colonial Marines). From the maps to the lack of destruction to the many other problems the game has, 2042 is a disgrace to the Battlefield series and long time fans. Dice is so incompetent and out of touch now. They should've delay this game for a year or more than a year. As someone who has been playing Battlefield since Bad Company 1, I am very disappointed by this game. Play BF4, BF1 and BF5 instead.

The final verdict

1/10 Don't be sad EA and Dice, this is just how it works out sometimes.
Posted 5 December, 2022. Last edited 5 December, 2022.
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