Likes RPG and JRPG, Action, Strategy, Racing, and Fighting games.
Favorite Titles: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner (both Raidou Kuzunoha games), Soul Calibur (series), Mortal Kombat (series), Final Fantasy (series), Plague Inc., Psychonauts, Devil May Cry (1 and 3 most), and Bayonetta (series).
Currently Offline
Onmyoji Soul Builds and Combat Tests
A personal project of mine for my YouTube channel [DemonAngelSakina] where I given my suggestions and ideas for different shikigami Soul Builds in-game to hopefully help any other player who is interested or curious.

If you're curious about the ideas or looking for something spicy to try for yourself, please feel free to head over and check it out and, if you want, leave suggestions for other soul builds and strategies that you want to see tested or are curious about in the comments.

Hope to see you there. :LaughingPaperDoll:
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Deck Tests
A personal project of mine for my YouTube channel [DemonAngelSakina] where I build and test different decks, speak in random stream of consciousness, and either pass or fail spectacularly depending on the whims of the RNG deities of the game. :tf2facepalm:

If you'd like to witness the failure and insanity (or just watch the every few videos moments where the RNG deities break my will :AngryPaperDoll:) please feel free to head over and check it out and, if you want, leave suggestions for better strategies or decks you want to see tested in the comments.

Hope to see you there. :LaughingPaperDoll:

(And, hey, sometimes, I even find glitched cards and get confused for everyone's amusement on top of failure.)
Favorite Game
Favorite Game
Review Showcase
1,580 Hours played
Originally downloaded the game from GooglePlay for my cellphone, and had to get it for my PC when it launched on Steam.
Brings me back to when I used to play regularly at card shops, with friends and one cousin, and even the one time I took part in a tournament--I may nto have gotten far in the tournament, but the whole early 2000's experience was great and kept me in the TCG even now.
Love the depth of the game--gives an old-school player like me an easier time adapting to some of the cards that came later on--and there's still that old excitement that comes from building a themed deck, battling to win new cards or open new card packs, and testing out new card combinations for that ever-elusive and addicting PERFECT combo.
The graphics...oh man, that CG animation for the 'Ace' monsters and certain special good!
Audio is excellent--the voice clips from the original series...awesome and make me nostalgic to the point I not only rewatched the first series, I was inspired to hunt through my CD collection and locate my "Music to Duel By" CD to add to the experience. (Seriously...listening to "Face Up, Face Down" while battling as just have not LIVED until you've tried that!)
Looking forward to watching this one grow.
Review Showcase
54 Hours played
Loved this game on PS3 when I first played it--fun customization, awesome dialogue, King of Badass Johnny Gat.
PC version though...broken.
Vehicle controls are sloppy--I was Dukes of Hazard-ing stuff and mowing down EVERYTHING without meaning to. (I literally got a five-star police rating AND FBI assaults just trying to take a car to a body shop to customize it.)
Combat controls shot between snail-slow to trying to imitate the Flash on crystal meth.
Audio wasn't so bad but the subtitles shot by at lightspeed when the characters were still talking.
If you can get the "Gentlemen of the Row" mod--or one of the other methods--and make them work, buy this if it's on a REALLY good sale.
Once you get past the bug infestation though, the customization, dialogue, mayhem missions, and--ofcourse--Johnny Gat himself, are still great.
Screenshot Showcase
Back to MHW after a hiatus...and back to screwing around like an idiot.
Video Showcase
Combat Test: Team Kusa Versus Soul Zone Orochi (Who Will Win?!)
Video Showcase
Step 1. Take The Test... Step 2. Regret Everything