Mrinal Biswas   Calcutta, West Bengal, India
🕹️ Gamer by Day, Night, and Whenever I Should Be Doing Something Else 🕹️

🎮 Level 16 in Warframe
💻 PC Master Race Enthusiast
🎯 Achievement Hunter | Noob Whisperer | Strategy Aficionado
🌌 Exploring the Metaverse, One Game at a Time

Currently Dominating: WARFRAME
Wishlist: World peace and more inventory space
Favorite Quote: "Just one more level..."
Fun Fact: I’m a professional alt-tabber with a PhD in 'Oops, Wrong Button.'
🚀 Next Goal: Breaking the world record for the longest gaming session fueled by coffee.

Let’s game, chat, and conquer virtual worlds together!
Get_Wet 2. juli 2018 kl. 10:43 
delhi se