supreme ruler of the big gangsta clique
long live barbecue, supreme leader of haiti! :griefer:
Corpse 9月19日 17時09分 
oh theres such a long list of reasons we kicked you out, yes we, everyone else in the group supported the decision
RedRox 9月19日 16時29分 
Not a traitor, all I did was undermine your no freedom of speech agreement, welcome to America
Corpse 9月9日 15時54分 
clowns are funny, traitors are simply treacherous
RedRox 9月9日 15時29分 
Edelweiß 9月6日 7時47分 
Whoop di scoop di poop
Edelweiß 9月6日 7時47分 
Scoop diddy whoop