lil peep
jew   Korea, Republic of
Howdy fellas, welcome to my profile!
I've been a counter-strike player for as long as I can remember, aquired many skills and tricks in the game. Some might call me a "flashy player" due to my movement abilities in game such as the basic 'Bhop' or strafe jumping. I'm more than definitely a seasoned kz climber, many years in that game mode has given me more than enough practice to be able to preform these nearly perfectly in any scenario. I'm also a very confident player and know how to preform in any situation, before you call hacks and such take a look at how long I've been playing cs, nearing 13 years on this account, although that probably doesnt mean much, but it shows I'm a very seasoned player and have great game awareness. Thanks for reading and nice to meet you
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