Bonchees 6 Sep, 2022 @ 7:04pm 
I rob him and take all of his money and steal his job a year later
Taunto 12 Sep, 2021 @ 4:40pm 
Reports have come in that he has been paid to pee on wealthy individuals, Im unsure wether this is some crazy ideal or if it is another one of his crazy fits, either way this isn't the biggest issue we are facing with the user however. The larger issue stands with this user and Rainbow 6 Siege, ever since he started playing the game again, it is all he has ever done, and yes, that includes not eating, drinking, nor sleeping. He has also spend 70% of his remaining USD on this video game leading him down a spiraling path of debt soon to come, this small wealth accumulation may lead to his inability to pay any land owning bills for the new mexico plot forcing him to shut down his whole unknown plan and cause a global panic for shortage of rare earth minerals. If you hear any new news about this user, give me information.
zeratoss 11 Sep, 2021 @ 5:10pm 
i just peed on rich people and they payed me to do it
Taunto 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:56pm 
This user has gone critically ill ever since the writing of this original article, he is claiming to have won 1 trillion dollars from the powerball which is impossible, the powerball currently has a max of 20 million USD and this 1 trillion dollar claim is over 50,000 times the number currently known as max. This user clearly needs help and needs to consult to a therapist, the currently known most rich man is Elon Musk and this zeratoss claims to have more money, while I can confirm he won the powerball, I sadly have to say that he hasn't won any more than 18.4 million dollars which is now 300,000 dollars since the purchasing of the exotic materials, we will get back to you on any updates about the user.
zeratoss 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:49pm 
i actually got 1 trillion from powerball
Taunto 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:47pm 
Oh, my, god, I just got amazing news, this user has WON THE POWERBALL gaining him a net worth of barely above $6 to $18.4 million, this is unbeliviable. He has recently moved to new mexico, not near any people or any towns, he has ordered an extreme surplus of exotic materials, this is very odd and nobody is sure of what he is planning to do with these materials but he has revealed to me he is recreating a game titled, "Satisfactory", now we have no reporting on this video game as an unknown user has purchased every single key of the game in existence, the only info on the account buying these keys is that his name is "Chase", if you know any chase, please, please give us information on what this steam game is, thank you!
zeratoss 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:43pm 
nah i won the power ball
Taunto 11 Sep, 2021 @ 1:30pm 
This guy is commonly known to pee on rich people and is seriously in need of financial aid because of his time in jail, during which his bank account got completely robbed and he is now living in New Hampshire off of food stamps and $15 a week from a gas station worker allowing him to clean the place every day.