OfficiallyIta 10 ก.ย. @ 6: 03pm 
-rep neck hurt
OfficiallyIta 13 ส.ค. @ 10: 09am 
+rep is racist!
OfficiallyIta 13 ส.ค. @ 10: 03am 
-rep throw
OfficiallyIta 14 มิ.ย. @ 10: 18am 
-rep told me im a stupid woman and said IM roppen, which offends me to an extreme amount.
OfficiallyIta 5 มิ.ย. @ 5: 12pm 
-rep says im a girl
OfficiallyIta 11 พ.ค. @ 3: 47pm 
+rep thinks 77 + 33 = 100