if you are looking at my hours you are bad.
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Demon 21 Thg08, 2017 @ 1:42pm 
sly 12 Thg08, 2017 @ 7:01pm 
Complete trash
PH03N1X呂 12 Thg07, 2017 @ 6:32pm 
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'!
Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov
Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!
Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Partiya Lenina — sila narodnaya
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vedyot!
Skvoz' grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put' ozaril,
Na pravoye delo on podnyal narody,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!
V pobede bessmertnykh idey kommunizma
My vidim gryadushcheye nashey strany,
I krasnomu znameni slavnoy otchizny
My budem vsegda bezzavetno verny!
Demon 12 Thg07, 2017 @ 4:23pm 
Attention all visitors to this profile:

This child is SEVERELY autistic.

Do not make loud noises near him.

Do not shine bright lights near him.

Do not look him directly in the eye.

Do not touch him or any of his toys.

Do not talk to him or any of his toys.

Doing any of the above may set him off on an autistic rampage that could endanger the lives of many.
Win Condition 2 Thg03, 2017 @ 7:05pm 
VAC ban- 1 day old for being too good at csgo