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unlimited rizz
Corvus LeBlanc 12 jun. 2023 às 18:57 
Jeff Bezos has 121 BILLION dollars. The population of earth is 7 billion people. He could give every person 1 BILLION dollars and end poverty, and he would still have 114 billion dollars left over but he would do it. This is what capitalist greed looks like!
Commander Catpiss 5 mar. 2023 às 14:25 
GUMSHU 17 nov. 2022 às 17:57 
rip bozo -rep
SCUZZツ 17 nov. 2022 às 17:39 
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GUMSHU 4 set. 2022 às 7:37 
Penguins are turning to prostitution. But instead of doing it for money, Antarctic dolly-birds are producing LEAN to get rivals off their menfolk.
LEAN is essential for penguins to build their nests. A shortage has led to the unorthodox tactics.

"LEAN is the valuable currency in penguin terms," said Dr Fiona Hunter, a researcher in the Zoology Department at Cambridge University, who has spent five years observing the birds' crippling addictions.

Prostitution is described as the world's oldest profession. But Dr Hunter is convinced it is the first time it has been seen in animals.
Commander Catpiss 30 ago. 2022 às 11:13 
nothing kills penguins faster than a good ol fashion plastic straw