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Red Death 2 апр в 13:07 
Selfrin 16 мар в 14:32 
sosi xuy pidarasina))))
Red Death 6 мар в 15:42 
Why are you so toxic, friend ? even to the ones that are nice to you ^^
Red Death 6 мар в 14:53 
-Rep, I apologize but you were emoting me after every kill, when I didn't emote you even once, so that's quite toxic ^^ + I apologize for the emote I did at the very end, but that was just to help you understand that toxicity sucks and ruins the fun for everyone ^^'
Ycoxwuu 4 янв в 5:34 
Baby brawler. XD
Stronk 9 мар. 2023 г. в 3:48 