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Flagellum Dei 23 Jul @ 8:23pm 
Have you considered making direct ports of Alien Suns to newer versions of Stellaris? Due to changes in how portraits work, they are currently incompatible.
G_S_Palmer 15 Mar, 2023 @ 11:34am 
@Vavilonise: I would love it if you wanted to translate the mod into Russian! Just let me know whatever you need from my end and I'll be more than happy to work with you.
Vavilonise 15 Mar, 2023 @ 10:28am 
Hi, friend. I really like your fashion for origin, a really big work that deserves respect. And I would really like to attract more people to this fashion, those who are uncomfortable playing with English.

I've been looking through the discussion thread and it seems you're happy for any help with localization. So, could I help translate your mod into Russian? I would really like to do this for myself, but I thought that I could benefit you, the author.
Thank you in advance for reading and I will be glad if you agree.
edwin gibson 2 Apr, 2022 @ 11:59am 
Here is the Custom Federations Mod. I talked about.
Let me know if the link works. :3

Also My friend who made it also said these things below.
shandale — 03/31/2022
Customizable Federation Origins Mod 3.3
Features: Customize the appearance and traits of your allies for the Common Ground and Hegemony Origins
Customize the Ethics, Civics, and Authority Types of your allies for the Common Ground and Hegemony Origins. These can be done separately for two different sets of Empires
Customization is done via editing the mod's txt files. Instructions on how to do this, and the limitations of what can be changed, are included.
Attempting to make a Federation member be a Megacorp will crash the game on load. This occurs with or without the DLC.
G_S_Palmer 26 Aug, 2021 @ 8:37am 
Hey @Dnynas, I think you're looking for @Gatekeeper, not me.
Dynas 25 Aug, 2021 @ 2:30pm 
Can you provide some insight on the Lines in the Sand origin? The one with the Coral World start.