Now, the internet loves catgirls. They are seen everywhere in anime and popular culture….. but would eating one be cannibalism?

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Now we have to ask. What makes up a catgirl. Well obviously you have the ears… the tail… and the paws. Now you might say that “well, obviously it’s only cannibalism if you eat the human parts, and the cat parts are fine to eat. You can chow down on as many cat ears as you like”.. however what if under all that fur was still human flesh?

This question of if a catgirl is human or not, is not uncommon on the internet. Those around the world have debated this topic, however not in terms of cannibalism, but in terms of when a catgirl becomes a furry. Now many seem to have come to an agreement on this, and believe that once the fur exceeds the flesh on the outside, it starts to become weird.

However our cannibalism question is a bit different, as cannibalism is about eating one of your own species, so the real question is, are catgirls human?

What is a human? Many descriptions say that any of those in the species ‘♥♥♥♥ sapiens’ are humans, however that brings us to the issue… of Neanderthals.

Now, Neanderthals were another species in the ‘♥♥♥♥’ genus, and lived until about 40,000 years ago. Fossil records show that humans and Neanderthals likely interacted, however now, we are the only ones left. The Neanderthals, despite their larger brain and body, were unable to keep up their bodies the way humans could, and as such, could not survive long. ♥♥♥♥ sapiens, the human tribe. Not the strongest, nor the smartest, but the fittest.

As Neanderthals became fewer and far between, they began breeding with humans, and integrating into the human tribe, and eventually becoming the same as us. The ones that poison the air. Murder eachother for naught more than our own self interest. And bring down everything around us.

Now, if Neanderthals existed today, it would be likely that we would consider that cannibalism, as not only were our two species quite similar, but we could also breed, and create, cute, neanderhuman babies, capable of further reproduction… which is incredibly important.

You see, ecologists have long attempted to seperate the billions of different species that appear throughout our diverse ecosystem. One such way of differentiating species, is the process of speciation. Speciation is a term that says once two seperate groups become unable to produce fertile offspring with eachother, they are classed as two different species. Neanderthals and Humans were classed as two seperate species due to their inability to create fertile offspring, when born of a Neanderthal female, however the fertility of humans females allowed us to breed, and so many would consider Neanderthals too similar to be cannibalism.

And we have arrived. Is eating a catgirl cannibalism? Well that all depends on if your catgirl is capable of producing fertile offspring, and I guess you will just have to bang her and find out. And as always, thanks for reading
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