Jamie   Birmingham, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
General Information
I mainly play CSGO and RUST. My CSGO ranks in competitive is silver, my winga man rank is gold 4. My hours atm is 320.

My hours in rust is 500( on my other acc), hers the link http://steamproxy.com/profiles/76561198170184535/

Games i own

:csgox: csgo = 320 hours
:csgox: rust = 50 hours
:csgox: Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 = 39 hours
:csgox: dayz = 25 hours
:csgox: Arma 3 = 36 hours
:csgox: cod world at war = 52 hours
:csgox: Terraria = 39 hours
:csgox: g-mod = 11 hours
:csgox: gta iv = 16 hours

My pc specs

my cpu is AMD Piledriver FX-8300 8 Core 4.2GHz Turbo
my gpu is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB
my ram is 6GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM

this is a link to it: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ADMI-Falcon-23-Gaming-Piledriver-Pre-Installed/dp/B01IPGAJ2E/ref=sr_1_17?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1512074957&sr=1-17&keywords=gaming+pc

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