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About the Collectors Upgrade Pack in general
- People get things wrong when it comes for Collectors Upgrade Pack. It wasn't supposed to be a "must have" additional content to have in game. It's main goal is for people to have the capability to support the devs by "extra tip" for which, you'll also get an optional in-game content to use as for a reward / "thanks" from the developers.

- Yeah, by default it really does costs a lot and I personally wouldn't pay for that, however, there is still way to "fix" it's price.
-So, to make It barely cost anything at all, just buy the Collectors Edition version of the game instead whenever the game is on sale. By doing this, the Collectors Upgrade Pack was worth like 1,60$ for me, of course, there was like a 45 or 50% discount, so keep that in mind.
P.S. - Still nearly x3 times cheaper than to buy it apart from the game.

About the clothing.
- Mostly, this is up to one's taste. Both suits are considered as regular clothing, which leads us to the only and main issue with all regular clothing in general - Whenever you'll have an encounter / enter combat zone, your clothing is forcefully changed to one of two available combat suits in game, but whenever you're out of these zones or your fight ends, you're not automatically switching back to the regular clothing.
- Of course, you could forcefully change your fit by using wardrobe, but whenever you'll get to the part with frequent and intense fights after making certain progress in game, you're most likely to abandon this idea and will simply keep the combat fit. At long last, it's lore based and you won't even notice that there were some cutscenes, where your clothing forcefully changes to whatever, but the fit you've choosen.

About the weapons.
- Before the Free to Play mini-game DLC that includes the content for main game, those weapons would be the main force to carry you through the whole game.
- All the weapons in this Upgrade Pack will have 3 upgrade slots for chips that you can either find or buy past certain point in the story. Their base stats are so good that they would be nearly if not the second best weapon to wield in the whole game.
- With the DLC in play, you'll probably get the same weapons, but for free. At least, there's an aesthetics choise to come in play, since each weapon has it's unique model and design. "Old Era" (The DLC ones) and "Digital Bonus" (Upgrade Pack ones) will have their own, unique color, model and design as well.

About the chips.
- Obviously, their boost is small.
- The "Waveshock" chip' damage boost is so small and weak, that even considering the fact that chip' boost scales with the weapon' base stats (except crit rate and elemental chips), it is still to weak and doesn't even feel like any reasonable reason to keep it. Like, imagine a mere +1,9 to your weapon' base damage, while the original base stat would be somewhere at 50.
- All you might make use of, is obviously crit rate, since you could use base 5% for your Digital Bonus sword, an extra 7% from the Upgrade Pack chip and find / buy two more with +10%, which makes it a cheap 32% chance to crit in total. But then again, if you CAN buy chips already, there won't be any reason to keep it.

About digital artbook
- Technically, you could access those through some wiki or any other source, where people could freely post or add the images within the artbook. Still, I remind that buying this is all about supporting the developers on the first place. People that know about the game development before it's release, seen a demonstation of like 2020 build, could get a few stuff out of this artbook to note for themselves. It contains quite a lot: models, designs, concept arts, content that is, sadly not pressent in the released, published version of the game.

About digital OSTs
- You people shall learn to read what's included into whatever the content you're willing to pay for. It is clearly said how much tracks are included within this pack and it is also stated that you can access those tracks only within the game. Even then, if you people really needed this "upgrade" for the OSTs alone, they're pretty much accessable through any other media, like YouTube. It is just another, nice extra for the pack to have.
- Technically, you could launch the game and turn on an OST, then just alt-tab to whatever you want, but it is not what it's made for, plus, there's no replay option as well. It just lets you to have a clear experience of the OST, for example, I felt Absalom' OST way differently compared to what it originally is due to other noises and sound effects pressent during the battle. You can also simply just focus on those without the fear to get "sent flying" by a boss' another move.

- If you're aware of what and why you're willing to pay for it, then congradulations, you've making the right decission!
- Both the ligth and great swords were useful till the very end of the game (I didn't like the twin blades, plus, they'll require you to invest into their skills into the skill tree to use them efficient enough, which I found too bothersome, since there's way more useful upgrades in my opinion to have).
- Сothing was purely an aesthetics choise, which I made use of when I was roaming in the open world, being busy with the map exploration.
- Digital Artbook is something that I was interested in. I've looked up through all the material, got some answers and stuff that I didn't know about the dev. version of the game as well. It is optional if you're interested or not, it's just what it is.
Julkaistu 26. joulukuuta 2024
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
15 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 43.1 tuntia (29.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
1) Due to it's unique design and style, the game manages to look good, yet is not demanding when it comes to system requirements. I liked the look so much that I've been giving a close look to many objects that move or have an animation as well, unfortunately, I found a few bugs (those are actually hard to spot, since they're present onto specific parts of locations and they do not affect the gameplay). Maybe, I'll do a proper report for the devs to fix those if they intend to update the game or add some extra content.

2) Combat is actually.. Well, it's actually good. It works for both casual players and sweats. You could try to do some cool, fancy combos, though it's sadly not revelant from mid to end game. At least, you can still adopt from different play-styles or even combine them all together. The flaws is that sometimes, things might not work as smooth as you'd expect.. Like perfect guard might cause some objects to get stuck mid-air or you might not get rewarded for performing one since your opponent just phases through you, lol. I know for a person that haven't played the game it might be imagined as something outright, but I'd say it's just a specific case that won't occur normally, besides, I don't want to describe things in details to avoid spoilers. I think that the devs wanted you to perform differenty from case to case, which makes it demanding for your choises. Sometimes, it puts you under conditions where one thing is more revelant over another, but all I can tell it is just that it will require some extra affect for you, that's all (short tips: build up your upgrades precisely, make sure your equipment is decent and you have consumables prepared).

3) The story? For me, I'd say it was interesting enough to have me actually read, investigate and interrogate with the world and beings within it. I wouldn't say that the story is something crazy or unique, since the game feels like it has so much room for more content to include, to show or include before the story route actually ends. At the very moment, we technically have a logic end, which means that it is most likely there won't be a continuation (but we got a a short F2P DLC, so I still have some hopes for a sequel). Even though that the story might not get any further for the main character, I am pretty sure that the game could have some major DLCs with brand new locations, a lot of quests and the story that could feel whatever the gaps main story line didn't fill. There, we could play as some other characters, since their story haven't reached it's end yet (won't mention any of them due to spoilers).

4. The in-game content, it has issues.. Well, on the beggining, it is enough to open a map and check the available locations. I immidiately felt like it's too small, but I've seen some interractable NPCs and objects that you can't access on the very beginning (plot based), I also thought that there would be a decent amount of activities to do. Once you'll unlock most of the locations and do some quests, you'll realize that the end for the story is not as far as it feels in the beginning. I really was afraid that I'll finish the game too soon, so I focused onto other activities and even received all achievements during the process.

5. Overal, the game is actually interesting and fun, provides decent amount of content and activities along with a story that'll make you curious till it's end. Of course, that all including it's price tag, since it has up to 50% discounts from time to time, which makes the game pretty much cheap and accessable for the people that don't have much money to spent for gaming (prince and it's accessability depends onto the regions, so can't say so for sure).

P.S. - There is so much to come from, that I am looking forward for an extra content to be added within the game, such as DLCs. I also expect to see a sequel.
Julkaistu 4. joulukuuta 2024 Viimeksi muokattu 5. joulukuuta 2024.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 479.0 tuntia (443.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game is a living legend, one that's nearly impossible to die. It's online is high along with the community that supports it. Unfortunately, it's scheme is working and of course, the developers abuse that by quite.. Well, a lot. Starting from minor content additions in between long time lapses, ending up with the DLCs that cost more than the original game, yet has nothing to cover it's price. In fact, if not the people that made so many mods and modifications, unique servers and have given treatment and experience that you cannot get in any other game, but this.. Welp, the DayZ would actually be dead. Maybe, one day there's a worth rival for the game to appear on the marker, which'll force the devs to take things seriously.
Julkaistu 28. marraskuuta 2024
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 426.9 tuntia (377.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Была себе киберспортивная игра, теперь это вылетающая и не оптимизированная помойка с кучей проблем, багов и недоработок. Зато у нас теперь будут скины на Zeus.
Julkaistu 23. helmikuuta 2024
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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