Ostatnie 2 tygodnie:

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2 z 12 (17%) osiągnięć zdobytych:
Osiągnięcia gracza

Traversed World 2

Travel all the way across World 2.
Odblokowano: 8 września 2020 o 7:32

Solved World 2

Fit together all the world 2 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.
Odblokowano: 8 lipca 2023 o 8:15

Traversed World 3

Travel all the way across World 3.

Traversed World 4

Travel all the way across World 4.

Traversed World 5

Travel all the way across World 5.

Traversed World 6

Travel all the way across World 6.

Solved World 3

Fit together all the world 3 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.

Solved World 4

Fit together all the world 4 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.

Solved World 5

Fit together all the world 5 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.

Solved World 6

Fit together all the world 6 puzzle pieces and align the puzzle in its frame.


Complete the game.

Speed Run

Complete a full speed run, beating the challenge time.