enachescu radu
salut imi place sa ma joc
Momenteel offline
dani✴ 10 feb om 10:46 
go get a job and cracc sum lil boaa
-_- 16 nov 2020 om 1:39 
add you on epic or steam?
Cocsmin 2 okt 2020 om 0:41 
-rep cheater psyy ♥♥♥♥♥
intZ 1 okt 2020 om 3:37 
I've been sticking $30 in pennies up my ass for the past 11 years. That's 3,000 pennies a day, 21,000 pennies a week, 1,092,000 pennies a year. To date, that's 12,012,000 pennies. Eight times the population of Nebraska. Those pennies were in my ass! You think you're better than me? Oh, you're not better than me. You handle my ass pennies every day. You pick up my ass pennies for good luck. You throw my ass pennies in fountains and make wishes on them. You give my ass pennies to your little daughter to buy gumballs with. You handle my ass pennies every day. All of you! You ALL handle my ass pennies! Oh, I'll laugh at you before you can laugh at me. Because your pennies have been in my ass.
kaiser is pro.cs:go 7 aug 2020 om 0:44 
SpartaN biceps 2 aug 2020 om 11:24 