Hail to the Victors! Go Blue!
United States
Go Blue !!
0x45 17 พ.ย. @ 1: 49pm 
-rep this guy ♥♥♥♥♥ his mom without a condom. #cumslurper
Fecal Transfusion 10 พ.ย. @ 8: 10am 
-rep this guy sucks at cs, hes so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad
Gozilkree 1 พ.ย. @ 10: 40am 
+rep a model of consistency
Snowsmith 31 ต.ค. @ 10: 25am 
ClevelandGod 21 ต.ค. @ 4: 46pm 
Now this guy is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ irl
Kill Bill 13 ก.ย. @ 3: 39pm 
Go Badgers!!!!!!!!