Deco 1 FEB 2020 a las 22:56 
I would like to inform you I was the one who hacked your Instagram account.
You're welcome :)
Astra (Roster Rider) 24 FEB 2018 a las 3:05 
Add me for trade
Ace 13 ENE 2018 a las 6:17 
honestly, the song "My name is Jonas" is a classic. Good taste Trashman.
Phantom Freak 13 ENE 2018 a las 4:59 
Ma name is...
WTF Brah 13 ENE 2018 a las 3:41 
My name is Jonas
Ace 21 SEP 2017 a las 7:18 
I am evidence.
PK 8 SEP 2017 a las 22:51 Hellspawn Hacking
Phantom Freak 26 AGO 2017 a las 3:54 
Wheres the proof? its ez to call anyone a cheat.
Gunner 25 AGO 2017 a las 0:21 
Phantom Freak 13 AGO 2017 a las 1:20 
PK 13 AGO 2017 a las 0:53 
Nice hacks
Phantom Freak 12 AGO 2017 a las 7:18 
Gunner 12 AGO 2017 a las 7:06 
Phantom Freak 14 JUL 2017 a las 7:01 
xijinpingisgreat 14 JUL 2017 a las 6:23 
Profile signed by The Official :2017stickypopsicle:B3ATS:2017stickypopsicle:

Welcome! ( i am not famous, i am just a boring dude without a life! )
Nice2Killya 31 MAY 2017 a las 8:21 
blah blah blah:steammocking:
Phantom Freak 31 MAY 2017 a las 4:17 
lol, imature? have you seen you're typing? and """"""""""""""trying""""""""""""" to put down a """""""""""""""kid""""""""""" is beyond me xD but keep on trying with your """"""""""harsh''''''''''''' words runs on the board..... u lost me there when your trying to win a argument of the interent GROW UP! SONNNNNYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!:steammocking:
Nice2Killya 31 MAY 2017 a las 3:39 
You are typical of a kid your age, whenn struggling for something to say use the old "GROW UP & YOUR IMMATURE FALLBACK COMMENT" like I said sonny your a failure and most likley will always be a failure " YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THAT" I on the otherhand have the runs on the board!:steammocking:
Phantom Freak 31 MAY 2017 a las 3:01 
ahhhhhhhhhhhh u gott meee im down for the count, lol i give up, to much paragraphing, for my liking, but no, school in more important than this, anyone can be a failure in life, I choose not too. but for you to talk like this to someone over the interent, 'to a kid' is hilarious, grow up mate, this is pathetic on your behalf, lol i cant take it? yet u come back here wanting more attention from me and thats what u will get back from me, and what community? its COD IW on PC there is no community. Tell me? what is your point here? scare me, expose me? these paragraphs of yours ain't doing much good to you, nothing is going to deter me from something i like doing, playing games. no matter how i act or play.
Nice2Killya 28 MAY 2017 a las 0:52 
hahahaha "WHAT A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EWE ARE":steamfacepalm:hahahaha "WHAT A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EWE ARE":steamfacepalm: no not picking on you at all just pointing out that "YOUR A CHEAP KUNT" who gets kicks from feeding "ITS" ego at the expense of others, being a kunt wont get you far in life "REMEMBER I SAID THAT AS YOU FAIL AS A PERSON" but excell at being a kunt! I like swinging by and mentioning your weakness every now and then! Kunts deserve to receive what the dish out, YOU CAN GIVE IT BUT YOU CAN'T TAKKE IT :steamhappy:! I feel like I am doing community service you idiot!:steamfacepalm:hahahaha "WHAT A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EWE ARE"hahahaha "WHAT A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EWE ARE":steamfacepalm:
Phantom Freak 27 MAY 2017 a las 19:17 
failure in real life? yet you come here talking smack like you do, again, like you said u have grand children, yet you act like this to someone twice as young as you, im sure u dont act like this to them, unless that was a lie. I play COD for reactions now becasue im bored of the game, i like it, as you have shown me right now, it makes the game fun. Those comments are not pointed at anyone in the session, unless your my friend in game, thats why i did it for 'LAUGHS'. so right now you, again, are just looking for someone to pick on. theres no point for you to come here, but hey this just fuels me to play even more again, thanks for the boost. so what if i have a YouTube account?, its a hobbie i like doing, got a problem with that?
Nice2Killya 27 MAY 2017 a las 4:00 
Having a Youtube channel hahaha OH ♥♥♥♥ me are you lost in space!:steamhappy::steammocking:
Nice2Killya 27 MAY 2017 a las 3:59 
You need to resist your inner ♥♥♥♥ son it just dribbles out of you just like the ♥♥♥♥ from your mouth! There is no need to act like Gods gift to gaming when your a failure at real life! Those comments most likley went way over your head without even approaching the runway!:steamfacepalm: But you keep doing what comes natuarally to you!
faker 22 ABR 2017 a las 15:48 
I am XD on your friends list but this is my main account im gold nova 1 ;D
ZebraMelon 13 ABR 2017 a las 0:39 
He predates the Myans
Phantom Freak 11 ABR 2017 a las 23:37 
revo 11 ABR 2017 a las 22:51 
stfu mad max, you're an ancient artifact
Phantom Freak 8 ABR 2017 a las 6:58 
and look at your recent names? what does that say? ............. "HrZ use ESP" like you're name said.
Phantom Freak 8 ABR 2017 a las 6:56 
first of all could your word this paragraph better? and me being rude? i've only told facts and truths, you came to after a game when i said "stfu" becasue you call everyone that goes good hacks, other than that, i've tried to sought this out but people like you never see the light when some people are good at something, tbh i dont think he hacks if your talking about ZERO (if thats the guy your talking about that day) he's a good player like me, i wish i was good at soccer, but you know, practice makes perfect like the all say, and i've practiced alot over the years, I merely said stfu becasue you call everyone better a hack *like i've said* you could of just taken it on the chin like me, When others call me hacks, i find it hilarious, but becasue my profile is open (my mistake i guees) you come here looking to be a keyboard warrior, becasue you started this conversation you could of just taken what i said and left it there, no "you" took it the one step futher and started this.
Nice2Killya 7 ABR 2017 a las 20:45 
NBN is crap don't even go there dude OPTUS Cable High speed pack is much faster the NBN is useless so next! Who said you have ESP or a lagg switch?? It was they guy all of us were complaing about for 6 more games after you left, point was you didn't stay long enough to get into what the conversation was mate but quickly said @SHUT UP@ get over your self son your and have been a rude little ♥♥♥♥, you reap what you sew! I am not the only one you say hahaha thank you for that @MY POINT IS MADE@:steamhappy:
Phantom Freak 7 ABR 2017 a las 17:16 
no this is my only account but my father has had his account for 7 years no VAC or game bans, we family share IW ON THE SAME PC and you would think he would go good with an ESP wrrrroooonnnnngggggg, lag switch? we have NBN and we pay for the second best bundle you can get but if people were to lag it would show?
Phantom Freak 7 ABR 2017 a las 17:08 
first of all i left a game because i dont like core, i prefer hardcore, but for a fact when i do stay in your lobbies you just call me a hack, dont say u dont becasue u have before, so that doesnt have anything to do with being polite after the fact you came to this page and talked smack to me. bro you may know what an ESP is but i dont i've never looked into them in my life and never will., "ESP hacks" stands for Extra Sensory Perception. Basically psychic perception or the ability to know things that are otherwise unknowable. tell what in game what it means, im not to sure, im young a lot younger than you so you have probs come across people with lag switches and hacks, i have but an ESP? i'd like to say i play the way i play if you dont like it oh well. your not the only one who's come and start this conversation, no, so im quite used to it as well.
Nice2Killya 7 ABR 2017 a las 4:15 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you stuck your 10cents worth in in a lobby you just entered without having a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clue what the issue was for those playing "TELLING ME TO SHUT UP" then you left that lobby "so that blows your nice and polite story" as far as not being banned yet you and I know that Vac misses heaps of "HOMEMADE HACKS" like ESP HACKS again your big head is only looking at it from your point of view! I will speak up about noobs being taken advantage of by lagg switches and ESP hacks untill you are the one buying my games! You will get annoyed with me because I am quiet used to dealing with big headed trash that is in gaming like it or not its there! Again not banned yet how do we know you don't have more than one profile hmmm ! As I said respect is a 2 way street and that also means respecting even the noobest player because its them that gives you a game @get it@ ?????:steamsad:
Phantom Freak 7 ABR 2017 a las 2:50 
i could report you for harassment if i liked. you haven't spoken to me through a mic or in real life so you dont have the right to say what im like to anyone becasue the people I speak to in real life and on PC (my friends) know me to be nice polite and well mannered. i only get pissed off with people like you that think i hack or think they know what im like, you dont so stop your not really getting anywhere.
Phantom Freak 7 ABR 2017 a las 2:50 
First of all 'respect others'? you came to me swearing and throwing words at me first, and for those in "you're clan" i feel sorry for them, i hope they should see how polite and well mannered your being now, for someone to claim they have grandchildren, i must say act your age man this is pathetic, i should be the immature one here not you. and no im not intending to be a keyboard coward, you pulled that upon when u asked me to be a man and suck my "mummys ♥♥♥♥", for now im doing what i enjoy, playing games, and listening to people like you, if your saying AUS gamers have no shame, I dare you to go ask every AUS PC gamer and ask do you feel shame, coz i sure do. finally, i know plenty people have reported me all the way back from BO3 your claiming im cheating, then why have i not been banned yet?
Nice2Killya 7 ABR 2017 a las 1:21 
Have you not heard the nasty lil Aussies like yourself???? I have had a Clan of over 250 members for 12 years mostly in the USA and the people your age there mostly know how to respect others! Australian young people are only to ready to be nasty! And after 12 years of running 18 dedicated servers for my Clan from experiance I learned one thing mate, Australian gamers have no shame we have the most lil baby cheater hack boys in world gaming "EVEN MORE THAT RUSSIA" now thats something to be proud of ain't it! I have grandchildren and they are polite and well mannered unlike keyboard cowards!
Phantom Freak 7 ABR 2017 a las 1:03 
well one day if you have kids, i hope you treat them better then what you say to others online cheers!
Nice2Killya 7 ABR 2017 a las 0:54 
go suck your mommys ♥♥♥♥ boy! You wouldn't be such a lil smart arse unless it eas a video game so yeah good point!:steambored:
who called youi a hack you know what you are kiddy
Phantom Freak 7 ABR 2017 a las 0:42 
lol man to man face to face? for a dispute over a video game, well done mate complete nerd in the making here, of coruse you would say this, but we both know its not going to happen to keep trying nerd, love the attention makes me feel good at the game, that i get someone like you calls me a hack, thanks bby <3
Nice2Killya 7 ABR 2017 a las 0:21 
listen ♥♥♥♥ UNTILL you can bad mouth me man to man face to face @SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE@