Beastie G
Garrett   Bryan, Texas, United States
My Name Is Garrett AKA Beastie G and Im Currently 13 and I am really nice and I enjoy Sandbox's,RPG's, And Shooters. My Skype is on my artwork and my xbox 1 user is TheUltraGhost and my Discord is also make sure you ask me for and pc help because I know Personal Computers just like my own penis.
The Following has been traslated to the Dragonborn Language
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Zu'u Los Fin Sunvaar, Keizaal Los Fin Pruzaan Ko Fin Lein.
Zu'u Los Beastie G Zu'u Los Bok 13 Zu'u Name Nau PS4 Los JustinWild
Zu'u Name Nau XBOX Los TheUltraGhost, Ahrk Daar Fin Basic Information
Zu'u Hind Hi Mindoraan Osos Dovah Tinvaak.
Ok I went through alot of trouble to do that xD
Currently Offline
TheBigLevi 24 Jun, 2016 @ 11:48pm 
Rep+ Know the guy kinda