76561199547431062 23 Sep, 2024 @ 1:28pm 
accept me please:)
76561199530566765 22 Sep, 2024 @ 3:26am 
accept me please :)
DooDooman 5 Jan, 2023 @ 11:58am 
Unknownkill 23 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 23 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 23 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 23 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 23 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 23 Jul, 2018 @ 6:13pm 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 17 Jul, 2018 @ 6:08am 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 17 Jul, 2018 @ 6:08am 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
Unknownkill 17 Jul, 2018 @ 5:47am 
Ok first off my little sister is 8 and I'm 13 and my sister is EXTREMELY SPOILED. Okay well my sister is the average girly girl. She always wants monster high dolls and dresses and new shoes. When my mom takes me and my sister to the store she always ends up getting something. Like this one time we were shopping and my sister saw a new doll that came out and mom said she didn't have enough money to get it and she literally started crying in the store begging mom saying mom please let me have it I promise I will start doing my chores, or she will say mommy you can take my allowance for the month. Anyways she ended up getting it. And I got nothing. By the way my sister NEVER does her chores and I do.. and when I wanted something my moms like Oh you never do your chores why should I give it to you? Ugh It made me so mad. She ALWAYS gets away with everything. One day I was playing on my laptop and my sister came up to me saying 'Joanna (me) can you pleaaassee play monster high with me???'
delv1n_ 29 Aug, 2017 @ 3:29pm 
Attention all visitors to this profile:

This child is SEVERELY autistic.

Do not make loud noises near him.

Do not shine bright lights near him.

Do not look him directly in the eye.

Do not touch him or any of his toys.

Doing any of the above may set him off on an autistic rampage that could endanger the lives of many.
bootleg415 30 Jul, 2017 @ 11:19pm 
i think i cam 8==========0---------
Neckbeard The Sailor 10 Jul, 2017 @ 1:14pm 
But why though?
DoshFPS 6 Jul, 2017 @ 3:52am 
RIP keklord. I was watching you sleep and I heard you mumbling my wife's name, for that I will end you. You have seven days before your account is banned, and seven days after that you will die by flying ice cream truck, rip in pepperonis you desperate little counter strike nerd, you'll never be global e-1337 like me cause you'll be ded, how do you think I won my wife's heart in the first place, now you won't even have a chance, maybe if you 1v1 me before dawn I'll spare your account or life, but only one, your pick.
DoshFPS 6 Jul, 2017 @ 2:41am 
My wife and I aren't really likin' ya. Back off or I'll get your account banned, my dad works for Steam
DoshFPS 6 Jul, 2017 @ 2:34am 
My wife would like you to kindly leave her alone and go back to living your life as if you never met her :) thank you :))))))
DoshFPS 6 Jul, 2017 @ 2:18am 
My wife wants you off her ♥♥♥♥, thx
Luisito 5 Jul, 2017 @ 11:55pm 
Mi buen amigo Hacker
im evil 21 Jun, 2017 @ 5:34pm 
I friend bogdan
KingTrigger 11 Jun, 2017 @ 10:20pm 
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Expo_Junior 5 Apr, 2017 @ 8:45am 
Pickle 21 Oct, 2016 @ 9:33pm 
add me ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thank you
Fantos 18 Oct, 2016 @ 7:24pm 
Dez ♥♥♥♥♥ 7w7
KingTrigger 9 Dec, 2015 @ 5:52pm