
Последние обзоры abhishekvaid19967

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221.9 ч. всего (58.4 ч. в момент написания)
The 4 year experience review!!!
GTA5 as a single player marks a legacy of the Super Gta
Franchise of sandrease liberty and Gta 4
The multi-player is really good but only for those who
Want to buy the game money or really have some good
Friends to play with online. Saying that let me first tell
You why that is so, rockstar has given an incredible
Customer support plus a ton lot of features on the online
Part which no other game that has such a great single player
Campaign does. They have to pay those developers who
Bring new things in the Gta online every month that is why
Shark cards were introduced. GTA5 has incredible graphics
Even a lower spec pc can run it as it is highly optimized
The story is awesome the characters are good murderers
Which one expects in a Gta game. No laws exist in single
Player. But in the multi-player they do because ones freedom
Ends where others freedom starts all players are equally
Important that is why they discourage players from killing each other.
Think you are flying a plane and out of nowhere some one kills u
That is why they discourage harassment. The game is a whole
Package that is why they don't make Gta 6.

Опубликовано 4 августа 2017 г..
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24.1 ч. всего (22.6 ч. в момент написания)
Worst game ever.
1. Firstly at the startup page most users experience an error known as the download loop. So you cant actually play.
2. Even if you solve it a ton more errors await you in the game play most of the time is spent solving technical issues and not playing.
3. It is nothing more than battlefield 4 getting a little bad by combining it with destiny.
Verdict is don't buy this ♥♥♥♥ respect your time and money buy some other better game.
Опубликовано 19 августа 2016 г.. Отредактировано 23 марта 2018 г..
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