str   Poland
„Better an open enemy than a false friend.”
"Быть ​​свободным - значит уметь не лгать"
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oun-upa and ss-galizien go to H**L
Let us condemn the cult of cruelty and hatred.
"Hands, legs and heads cut off with axes, people torn by horses and nailed to doors, bellies cut open by pregnant women, wells filled with bodies - all this cruelty shown in the movie "Wołyń" can be taken literally. It was so." Quote from the article.

The cult and fanaticism that surrounds the Nationalists of the OUN-UPA and SS Galizien in Ukraine, who are responsible for the genocide against Jewish and Polish civilians during World War II. Let us condemn the cult of cruelty and hatred.,362-sposoby-na-zabicie-lacha-recenzja-wolynia-wolyn-smarzowskiego-rzez-wolynska.html

The report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights accuses Azov of war crimes: looting, unlawful detention and torture (and not only them, as far as the Ukrainian forces are concerned.
The Wolfsangel, or wolf's hook, is also a well-known neo-Nazi symbol, previously used by the Wehrmacht and SS. However, the Azovs explain that it is an abbreviation of Ідея Нації, i.e. "Idea of the Nation".
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The cult and fanaticism that surrounds the Nationalists of the OUN-UPA and SS Galizien in Ukraine
Lie_eater 1 Agu 2022 @ 12:54am

losses of the Polish population as a result of the genocidal actions of the OUN-UPA and other Ukrainian nationalist organizations, being the sum of the number of documented and estimated victims for five provinces, amount to at least 133,800 Poles.

There are also larger numbers ranging from 150,000 to as much as 200,000 victims in various places.
Lie_eater 7 Apr 2022 @ 2:42am 
In the 1930s, the leaders of the OUN saw the Ukrainian national movement as part of European fascist movements and did not hide it at all. Hand in hand with the Germans
The consequence of these views was the rapprochement of the OUN with Nazi Germany. The practical experience gained then was used by the OUN-UPA in 1943, carrying out the ethnic cleansing of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia. At the end of the war, the Germans decided to use the collaborative enthusiasm of the Ukrainians on a larger scale. They released Bandera and offered him cooperation in the fight against communism, they also formed the Ukrainian Waffen-SS division (to which as many as 80,000 volunteers signed up!). However, when it became more and more clear that the Third Reich would lose the war, the OUN began to change the front and formally cut itself off from the Nazis.
Lie_eater 5 Apr 2022 @ 12:35am 
After the war, the OUN circles operating in exile conducted a systematic action of changing history. In publications, studies and memoirs, the topic of cooperation with Germany, participation in the Holocaust and murdering Poles was omitted. The OUN and the UPA were presented as noble organizations fighting for a free Ukraine against two enemies - the Third Reich and the USSR. An idealized image of Bandera was also built as an outstanding politician, leader of the nation, thinker and noble fighter for freedom. All those who recalled the Ukrainian collaboration, participation in the Holocaust and the Volhynia massacre were called Soviet agents. Rossoliński-Liebe
Lie_eater 20 Mar 2022 @ 7:20am 
I am against any war and any nationalism. There will be no peace without ending falsifying history and removing the nationalists from power.
Lie_eater 19 Mar 2022 @ 2:19am 
I stand for Donbas and Ukraine without nationalists worshiping the OUN-UPA
Lie_eater 19 Mar 2022 @ 2:18am 
Вічна ганьба ОУН-УПА