Don't trade just give me a knife
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ona 7 de set. às 5:19 
Nosferatu 25 de ago. às 10:04 
-rep cheater ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die in cancer
𝑦 19 de ago. às 10:52 
perc 13 dez. 2023 às 6:25 
+rep. This player is fantastic, just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, awp flicks, grenade spots, smoke spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting kills
klaasxz 10 nov. 2023 às 12:29 
Obrygan 1 out. 2023 às 9:16 
-rep annoying