Oradea, Bihor, Romania
My secondary account, if you wanna play cs:go with me,
right over :
rotopercutor second account
Currently Offline
Artwork Showcase
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BASS ..................
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Recent Activity
9.6 hrs on record
last played on 29 Oct, 2024
Achievement Progress   0 of 107
0.8 hrs on record
last played on 21 Dec, 2022
1,454 hrs on record
last played on 15 Aug, 2022
rotopercutor 28 Oct, 2021 @ 6:46am 
Kev 23 Jan, 2021 @ 2:15pm 
remind me never to go to romania
Kev 23 Jan, 2021 @ 2:11pm 
☎ Billie ✿ 23 Dec, 2019 @ 6:31pm 
Good 🌋 Peter: 🕺 Hey ⚡ sorry, 📗 man, ⛳ am 🍇 I 👹 late? 📒 What 📀 did 🐊 I 🍖 miss? 🐳 Peter: 💙 Thank 💛 God 👽 you're 👹 here. 🥗 What 📕 do 🚘 I 😺 do? 🎈 Bad 🐟 Good 🥒 Peter: 🥞 Tell 🌸 him 💎 to 🌳 keep 📒 lying. 🌂 He's 🌽 in 🎍 too 🎽 deep. 👃 Good 🌋 Peter: 🌏 Well, 💚 I 👾 don't 🐛 know... 🚕 [Looks 🚗 for 💙 good 👳 side] 📗 Good 💃 Peter: 💄 Hey, 🎁 where's 🐟 the 💚 other 🎫 guy? ⚡ Good 🏓 Good 🎍 Peter: 🕺 [Is 🏀 stuck 🌳 on 🐝 the 🐠 same 🥗 highway 👑 in 🚘 his 💗 tiny 💎 car] 👽 Ah, 📒 this 👔 is 🚗 unbelieveable!
Infamous 16 Sep, 2019 @ 9:12am 
+rep chill dude
Asuno 12 Jul, 2019 @ 3:29am 
+Rep Just wanted to say you're amazing, chill, and wonderful! Stay amazing love -Displays