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Recent reviews by Spakapotimus

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1 person found this review helpful
1,485.7 hrs on record (1,237.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Been playing this one for a long time and it is always a YES!! from me. The team has done amazing over the years evolving this game. Im proud to be a player for the Fun Pimps!! :)
Posted 15 July, 2024.
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2,675.3 hrs on record (2,024.6 hrs at review time)
its a fun game and all but the comimunity is super toxic and YOU get warnings for dealing with it since the company could care less about the cheaters or toxic people in their game DON'T play this game or buy anything from this company. Sad when a gaming company is as toxic as the players they let destroy their game

this is just sad toxic teammates that kill themsleves in your traps and you get banned for it, then they TK while being horrid in chat and don't get banned? i think ubisoft is TRYING to lose their legit players. worthless team doing nothing to help the problem

still nothing but toxics and cheats all day quick match ranked doesn't matter ubisoft you are dropping the ball on YOUR job. Also just a note you guys have the WORST chat and voice system i have ever seen, its pathetic. DO BETTER PLEASE

Well we are back again with nothing better to say, matter of fact things have gotten worse and ubisoft doesen't seem to care in the slightest. cheaters and over running this game and if they aren't cheating they are a toxic troll that just wants to ruin your gameplay, but thats ok in ubisofts eyes right the "safe" gaming enviroment they provide includes being able call people the N word and anything else under the sun but if you say something back WHOOOAAA warning for you while they get to keep playing. i say do BETTER ubisoft not worse. Really starting to feel like this is a worthless gaming company full of people that don't give a ♥♥♥♥ if toxic trolls ruin thier game
Posted 30 July, 2023. Last edited 5 November, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
3,913.7 hrs on record (3,152.2 hrs at review time)
Im a big fan of this game. Amazing setup with most things in the game. Its gets a little old that the devs are HUGELY bias towards the class i play and seem to not understand that balance isn't just giving warlocks EVERYTHING OP (cough 63% of devs are warlocks gee hmmmm.....). Love the story but elimination was my bread and butter for the game and being force to play Rift with its poor respawning setup has ruined my love for this game. Buy the season pass and support the game every year and i can't even play the game my way, HAVE to use the guns they want, HAVE to play the game they want. Dropped elimination and ALL 3v3 activities are Rift....going to take a pass. Maybe if they would DO something about the cheaters in their game instead of just sueing people and never removing anyone that was using the cheat engine the funnest activity wouldn't have the lowest population in the game. Just like when i played stasis hunter LOVED IT, they nerfed stasis into the ground (except for warlocks) or the ONE TIME hunters got a really nice exotic that made it a whole 12 hours before nerfing it to unusable. WAKE UP DEVS not everyone want to be a warlock.

So we are back from a break and im sad to report im not changing this reveiw just going to add more. Bungie you are lying to us you are doing nothing about the cheaters in fact i think you WANT cheaters in your game so you can sue the cheat makers to just make money and could care less about the negitive impact it has on your fair and honest players. Class balance is a joke, i mean im sure enough people have died from laughing so hard when bungie said class balance they could have dug a mass grave for them and over filled it. Weapons......HAHAHAHHAHAHA....i wouldn't even put the word balance with weapons in destiny 2 its pathetic, NEW FLASH BUNGIE not everyone wants to use a hand cannon and shotgun and slide on the ground, its old and stupid that its in the game the you can slide at a corner with a shotgun and fire and the guy around the corner down the hall in the other room dies from a headshot, or is that just a cheater?? Your toxic people that play this game says its skill which is weird cause i remember a patch about the range on a shotgun not being more than 7m being able to kill or do full dmg or was that just a labs weekend thing you guys did cause to see if people were still using shotguns (cough felwinters lie 8 nerfs still the most common gun i see in PVP) you failed at your job. Sad to see a gaming company be as bad as the toxic people that steal from them doing nothing for the people that fair play and pay for their product. 3.6 billion from sony and no dedicated servers to help HALF the problems in the game, WHILE thats what you advertize for your new game. I won't buy it just on principal. Worst review of a game i have EVER played which makes me sad cause i LOVE D2 but this is just pathtic....
Posted 9 December, 2022. Last edited 5 June, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
74.1 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
This is a winner! Long time since i've gotten a good birds eye crawler. Love the style of graphics the voices the handling. Great skill tree setup lots to do with it. Reading that you guys are trying to make it worth farmers time for the amazing items and still making it progressable for the casuals i would say you guys hit the nail on the head. :) i would recommend this game for tons of gaming styles. This is going on my wishlist and will likely be the first one i get when i can afford a game cause its hard to find this style and this enjoyable :) 5 * Big win on this guys Great work
Posted 28 May, 2019.
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