It is a given. Im a celtic, samurai, assassin, warlord, who loves sugar and can appear as though I might be a little stupid. The darkness is my friend, The enemy is my weapon, and the wilderness is my restroom. You cant find me, unless you have played on a computer before. You can't see me, as long as your blind. You cant hurt me, if you have no arms. You will know im there when you hear my battlecry of terror. The sound that puts fear in the hearts of full grown men, and the very noise that makes children scream and cry in agony. The very spread that goes with jelly, and sometimes fluff... Peanut Butter... You may have heard of me. The very me. The one me that is only me. The me that makes every other non existent me look pathetic. The me that will find you in your sleep. it is I. Seamus the Falcon Samurai.
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